How can we as architects, engineers or health professionals design and construct spaces that solve specific needs, make citizens feel better and bring more quality to their lives?

There are too many glass windows, too many cold and nihilistic interiors in current constructions. Too many materials have been used that are harmful and have a large ecological footprint. An organism’s well-being is closely linked to the way it relates and interacts with its environment, and vice versa. There are external physical stimulants that affect us and accumulate, little by little, in our bodies and minds.

Spaces should not only work, excite and be beautiful, but above all, they have to be healthy, comfortable, safe and accessible. Increasing Well-being is the objective of health architecture.

The mission of the research group Healthy Architecture & City, founded in 2016, is to determine and develop the mechanisms, techniques and compositions necessary for the design of healthy and intelligent environments, focusing on improving people’s quality of life and well-being.

Our vision wants to share our findings concerning specific environments inhabited by people in the third and fourth ages and/or with cognitive functional difficulties.

We intend, through design and technique, to integrate the technological advances of the digital revolution, developing and implementing knowledge tools that we can use to learn from houses, buildings and cities with the aim of the latter becoming intelligent and interacting with human beings and providing safety, comfort and well-being..






Latest actions





2024. Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a la neuroarquitectura para el diseño de entornos educacionales destinados a personas con demencia de Alzheimer

2023. Torres, castillos e infraestructuras andalusíes en la Sierra de Segura. Caracterización territorial, espacial, métrica y constructiva. Resultados del #ProyectoSegura

2022. Intervenciones en el Alcázar-Palacio de Estepa (Sevilla)



2024. Recommendations and practical advices to adapt the house

2024. Residence care centres for people with Alzheimer’s disease



2024. Residential Care Facilities for Users with Alzheimer’s Disease: Characterisation of Their Architectural Typology

2023. Towards a Healthy Architecture: A New Paradigm in the Design and Construction of Buildings

2023. Active and Assisted Living, a Practice for the Ageing Population and People with Cognitive Disabilities: An Architectural Perspective



2024. Diseño de entornos saludables para una Vida Activa y Asistida durante el envejecimiento: el modelo AAL desde una visión arquitectónica

2024. Levantamiento y análisis espacial de la presa de la garganta del ciervo y el paisaje regado por el embalse andalusí Albuhera (s. XII)

2024. Técnicas y materiales de la presa andalusí del desfiladero o garganta del ciervo (s. XII): Últimos hallazgos en una barrera fluvial de embalse de tradición constructiva oriental



2023. Spatial adaptation of the living environment for people with Alzheimer’s disease: Advance results for a good practices manual



2023. The cultural landscape of the Almohad towers of the Sierra de Segura: A heritage to discover

2018. The architecture of defense as construction of territory and landscape: The medieval Almohad towers in the Sierra de Segura (Jaén)



Healthy Architecture & City
is a research group at the University of Seville created in 2016. It is an integral part of the Andalusian Research Plan PAIDI 2020 in the Production Technologies area with code TEP-965. It consists of the following researchers:


Santiago Quesada-García

Lead researcher


Julia Molino-Barrero



María Lozano-Gómez



Jose Manuel Mera-Gómez

Associate Researcher


Thilo Gumbsch
