Degree in Fundamentos de Arquitectura (2021) and the subsequent qualification as an Architect, having completed the enabling Master’s Degree (2022) in the School of Architecture of the University of Seville, she begins her doctoral studies in Architecture in 2022. During her professional training, she had the opportunity to get started in research aspects and tasks, specifically studying how architecture plays an essential role in people’s health, carrying out her Degree Dissertation entitled “Neuroarchitecture. Design criteria extracted from the bibliographical analysis and its development in the Maggie’s Centre”. Afterwards, she was able to apply the conclusions obtained before to a real project in her Final Master’s Degree Project which objective was to develop a home for people with Alzheimer’s disease. As a result, she discovered an aspect of contributing knowledge of popular benefit, which she became passionate about. She is co-author of the publication “Active and Assisted Living, a Practice for the Aging Population and People with Cognitive Disabilities: An Architectural Perspective” (2023). She is currently a researcher staff at the University of Seville in the Department of Architectural Design and works on the I+D+i research project ALZARQ, in which, since June 2023, she has been carrying out activities related to spatial, environmental, and architectural factors that influence the functional capacity of daily life in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2815-3549