LA PUERTA DE SEGURA / 10th and 11th of May 2023

Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza


The Healthy Architecture & City group is organising, together with the Town Council of La Puerta de Segura, the 1st Conference of studies on the Sierra de Segura with the theme: The construction of the cultural landscape in the Sierra de Segura: the Andalusi architectures of the 12th century. A cultural activity with the participation of leading specialists in this historical period from different universities and research centres. The aim is to highlight and raise awareness of the rich rural heritage of Andalusian towers, castles and infrastructures in the Sierra de Segura Natural Park; elements that have been documented in the #ProyectoSegura, a competitive R+D+i project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government and developed by the Healthy Architecture & City group. This conference has the support and sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Andalusian Regional Government and the Fundación Caja Rural de Jaén and the participation of Radio Sierra FM.


Along with this first-class cultural and academic event, the exhibition The cultural landscape of the Almohad towers of the Sierra de Segura: A heritage to be discovered is also presented. An exhibition that was born with the vocation of being itinerant through all the municipalities and territory of the Sierra de Segura and that is the first time that it is exhibited in the province of Jaén, thanks to this initiative of the Town Council of La Puerta de Segura.


This exhibition aims to transmit and disseminate how a system of structures built for defensive purposes articulates a territory and constructs a landscape, connecting topography, roads, river networks, cultivated territories, etc. The exhibition focuses on the system of medieval Andalusian towers built in the 12th century in the valley of the rivers Guadalimar, Hornos and Trujala in the Sierra de Segura (Jaén). In short, it tries to show how these earthen architectures were capable of organising regions and anthropising spaces until they became essential parts of the landscape that we admire today. In this way, an unknown heritage made up of this group of isolated buildings made of rammed earth, which today build and define a landscape that is not only natural but, above all, cultural, is disseminated.

This exhibition is part of the dissemination of the results and findings obtained in the R+D+i Research Project: The system of towers of Islamic origin in the Sierra de Segura: implementation, construction techniques and restoration of rammed earth, #ProyectoSegura.


This activity has been sponsored by the Town Council of La Puerta de Segura, the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Andalusian Regional Government and the Caja Rural Jaén Foundation.