SEVILLA | MÁLAGA / April 27, 2024.


In Spain, more than 800,000 people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Considered the epidemic of the 21st century, worldwide, the number rises to 44 million people with dementia. When Alzheimer’s breaks into a home, it disrupts the daily lives of its inhabitants, radically transforming their relationship with space. Given this panorama, the question arises: what can architecture contribute to minimise the impact of this disease? The Healthy Architecture and City (HAC) research group of the School of Architecture at the University of Seville has addressed this issue in a pioneering doctoral thesis. Supported by the Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine, Translational Research, and New Health Technologies at the University of Malaga, this research constitutes a milestone by combining medical and architectural methodology for the first time. The central objective is to define how architecture should adapt to the needs of those who live in the absence of memory.

TESIS is an informative programme whose main objective is to bring the work and research carried out in Andalusian universities closer to the audience.  TESIS programme is broadcast on SATURDAY, APR/27/2024 around 7:55 p.m. on ATV (Andalusia Television). Replays on ATV, SUNDAY, APR 28 at 11:30 a.m. and FRIDAY, MAY 3 at 12:30 p.m.