SEVILLE / 9 to 26 May 2023

University of Seville ! E.T.S.Arquitectura | Ground Floor, Gallery, Assembly Hall


Organised by Thilo Gumbsch, researcher of the Healthy Architecture & City group and professor of the subject Architecture, Landscape, Territory, next Tuesday 9 May, the exhibition

The Architecture of the Rice Marshes. A landscape vision
by Clemente Delgado López,

will also give a Master Class entitled: From objectivity to subjectivity of landscape, through photography at 16:00 pm after which there will be a guided tour of the exhibition. In the words of Clemente Delgado himself:

“I would like to emphasise that this project is perhaps more conceptual than the previous one because of how I have developed the creative process to arrive at the idea I wanted to communicate through the framing, the tones of colour, the size of the enlargement, the moments and times of light and even a vindictive and social message, caring for water, having seen this past summer the effects of the drought in this area.

The Architecture of the Rice Marshes, if initially intended as a very specific study of the dispersed agricultural architecture of this area, is gradually being transformed into a landscape vision, as I came to think that this architecture makes no sense without its landscape environment, the place for which it was created.

The common thread will be the cycle of rice cultivation, which offers a variety of landscapes as it passes through its different phases (fallow land, flooding and sowing, plant growth, harvesting and mudding) together with the different types of construction (silos, warehouses, warehouses + housing, garages and pumping stations).
My photographs speak of the meaning of their architecture, of my passion for these landscapes, of plasticity, of endless or finite spaces by the line of a horizon as a symbolic form in the arts”.