Gender violence
One of the most devastating consequences of gender inequality is violence against women, which continues to exist despite the advances in equality of recent decades (Cala et al, 2012), this form of violence is currently recognized as a social and health problem of first order by international organizations and by the states (Bosch & Ferrer, 2013). The integration of the gender perspective and the principle of equality as an objective in public policies in Europe and Spain is today an unquestionable fact (Bustelo & Lombardo, 2007, Rai, 2008, Unterhalter & del Norte, 2010). In Spain, multiple initiatives have resulted in several laws passed to promote equality between women and men and reduce the vulnerability and social exclusion to which they were subjected (Astelarra, 2005, Bustelo & Lombardo, 2007). This has led to significant advances in penalization, prevention programs and attention to women, etc. But it’s not enough. In an effort to respond more adequately to the people who suffer it and to prevent new victims, the latest reports have tried to incorporate the different forms of violence, contemplating the emotional and psychological, have included women under 18 and also minors and the environment of women in the analysis of violence (MSSI, 2015). Every time we bet more on prevention and awareness of gender violence to reduce the dramatic data on the incidence of this phenomenon in our society. Previous work of this team has analyzed gender violence from this preventive aspect (Rebollo-Catalán et al., 2012, García-Pérez et al, 2011).