Christian Cerezo-Navarrete
Inicio The Group Former Members Christian Cerezo-Navarrete

Christian Cerezo-Navarrete
Dr. Christian Cerezo-Navarrete obtain the Bachelor (2017) and Master’s (2018) degree in Chemistry from “Universitat de València”. In 2023, he received his PhD degree in Sustainable Chemistry working at ITQ – “Instituto de Tecnología Química” under the supervision of Dr. Luis M. Martínez-Prieto. The PhD thesis focuses on the synthesis and application of metallic nanoparticles with catalytic applications, and was awarded with a Cum Laude qualification. During the PhD period, he published a total of 9 papers on high-impact indexed journals, and participate in International and National Conferences.
As a part of the PhD, he underwent a research stay at LPCNO (Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Nano-Objets) in Toulouse (France), under the supervision of Bruno Chaudret, exploring the use of magnetic nanoparticles as catalysts in gas phase.
Currently, he is working at ITQ – “Instituto de Tecnología Química” in the group leaded by Dr. Pascual Oña Burgos on magnetic nanoparticles.