Luis Antonio MartInez Carrascosa
Inicio The Group Postdoctoral Researchers Luis Antonio Martínez Carrascosa

Luis Antonio Martinez Carrascosa
Scopus identifier: 57150937800
Dr. Luis Antonio Martínez Carrascosa received his doctorate (2020) in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from the University of Cádiz, under the supervision of Prof. María Jesús Mosquera, with the thesis entitled «New eco-sustainable building materials due to their superhydrophobic performance», achieving the qualification of Cum laude. In addition, he poses a bachelor (2012) and a master’s degree (2014) in Chemistry.
From 2014 to 2020, he was a member of the Nanomaterials Researcher Group (TEP-243), belonging to the Physical-Chemistry Department of the University of Cádiz, and headed by Professor María J. Mosquera. During this period, he participated in 3 National Research Projects and 2 Research Agreements with private companies, all of them focused on the development of nanomaterials for the restoration and protection of building materials, being hired in three of them. This work gave rise to 11 papers published on high-impact indexed journals, an intention patent, 4 participations in International Conferences. After acquiring his doctorate, he was hired at the Science Materials Department of the University of Cádiz, under the supervision of Professor Francisco Morales, in a Regional Project founded by European Union (FEDER).
Currently, he is working at the IIQ – “Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas” (Seville, Spain) as a postdoctoral researcher in the “CataNa” group, headed by Dr. Luis M. Martínez Prieto, focused on metal nanoparticles catalysis.