Seminars and conferences held at the
site of the Nonlinear
Physics Group of the University of Sevilla.
2018 2018
2017 2016
waves in nonlinear metamaterials. Dr.
Agaoglou, from University of Bristol
, UK.
Departamento de Física
Aplicada I, ETSII, Universidad de Sevilla, 02/04/2019. 17-18:00h (
Talks in
JSLoc 2019: Japanese-Spanish
Symposium on Energy Localization in Nonlinear Lattices.
ETSII, Sevilla, September 23-27, 2019.
Book of abstracts.
Pterobreathers: wing
breather frequencies in the moving frame. JFR Archilla, Y
Doi, M Kimura
3.. Travelling waves in
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model: existence and stability. J
Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis, A Vainchtein, H Xu, DE Pelinovsky
4. Numerical Study on
Discrete Breathers in 3D Crystals. Y Doi .
5.. Moving
Intrinsic Localized Modes
in a Mixed Model of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and Nonlinear Klein-Gordon
Lattices. M Kimura, JFR Archilla, Y Doi.
6.. Mica
group structure and
hyperconductivity. FM Russell, MW Russell, S
Medina-Carrasco, JFR Archilla, F Frutos.
7.. Discrete
breathers in electrical
lattices. F Palmero, LQ English.
8. Ratchet
of kinks induced by
fluctuations among symmetric sine-Gordon potentials. B
Sánchez-Rey, J Casado-Pascual, NR Quintero.
9. Observation of
excited modes in a mechanical coupled oscillator array.
Y Watanabe, Y Doi..
10. Existence
of odd and even discrete breathers in infinite Fermi-Pasta-Ulam
lattices. K Yoshimura.
11. Transition
phase in biological systems. MJG Calero.
12. Localized
modes in magnetically coupled resonant circuit array induced by a
locally distributed impurity. Y Mogi, M Kimura,
S Doi
13. Discrete
breathers in an
electrical transmission line. J Tsoplefack, F Palmero, J
Cuevas-Maraver.Energy and charge transport in a
silicate layerJFR Archilla,
Y Doi, M Kimura.
14. Experiments
and questions on hyperconductivity and quodon (virtual
talk). FM Russell.
15. Electric
charge and energy localization in silicates; numerical problems. Masayuki Kimura, from ILAS, University of Kyoto.
Departamento de Física
Aplicada I, ETSII, Universidad de Sevilla, 21/10/2019. 12:45-13:45h (poster)
On the stability properties of
breather solutions. Miguel A. Alejo,
Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Seminario I, IMUS,
Sevilla, 21 de marzo de 2017, 17h (abstract,
- Transfer of energy in mechanical media. Dr.
Luis Cisneros-Ake,
Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México. Departamento de Física
Aplicada I, ETSII, Universidad de Sevilla, 24-05-2018. 17-18:30h.
- Mobile
localized solutions for an electron in lattices with dispersion of
Debye and Einstein. Dr.
Luis Cisneros-Ake, Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México.
Phisics Faculty, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain 30-05-2018, 11-12h
- Seminar session of electrons and
holes in lattices. Department of Applied Physics I, ETSII,
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. 11-07-2018 (poster).
- Revisited
models for charge transport from Holstein and Davydov to
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger. Yuriy A. Kosevich, Semenov
Instituteof Chemical Physicsof RAS, Moscow, Russia
- A model
forcharge transport in mica muscovite. Juan
F.R. Archilla, Groupof NonlinearPhysics. Universidad de
Sevilla, Spain.
- Seminar cycle Days on hyperconductivity. Sevilla.
- Theoretical
and practical challenges of hyperconductivity above room temperature (abstract and slides).
Russell, former Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, UK, .March 6, 2017Soliton
assisted hyperconductivity of low-dimensional systems: role of
coupling and lattice anharmonicity
(abstract and slides).
Larissa Brizhik,. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical
Physics. March 6 2017.
- Solectrons
in polydiacetylene: the ideal one dimensional electronic chain (abstract ).
E. Wilson, Queen Mary University Collegue London, UK, April 20, 2017.
- Impulso y
control de caos por excitaciones periódicas en sistemas disipativos no
autónomos. Ricarco Chacon, Universidad de Extremadura,
España, 23 de junio de 2017 (abstract)
- El
Grupo de Física No Lineal. Excitaciones localizadas:
breathers, solitones, kinks , crowdions y polarobreathers.
JFR Archilla; S. Medina-Carrasco, FR Romero.
de presentación de las líneas de investigación a los
alumnos de cuarto curso de la Facultad
de Física, Universidad de Sevilla, 24 y 25 de octubre de 2017
Presentación por JFR Archilla (transparencias).
- Seminar cycle Days on hyperconductivity. Sevilla 2016-17.
- Charged ultradiscrete
supersonic kinks and discrete breathers in nonlinear molecular chains
with realistic interatomic potentials and electron-phonon interactions.
Yuriy Kosevich, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physic, RAS,
Moscow, Russia, Sevilla, November 14, 2016 (abstract)
- Excitaciones
localizadas: breathers, solitones, kinks, crowdions,
polarobreathers y solectrones. Líneas de Investigación del
Grupo de Física No Lineal
JFR Archilla; FR Romero..
Jornadas de presentación de las líneas de investigación a los
alumnos de cuarto curso de la Facultad
de Física, Universidad de Sevilla, 26 y 27 de octubre de 2016.
Presentación por JFR Archilla (transparencias)
- Catalysis and localized
Vladimir Dubinko, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology,
Kharkov, Ukraine
Sevilla, October 19, 2015 (pdf
poster and abstract)
- On the properties of
quantum packets for the
interaction of a single two-level atom with a mode of the quantized
electromagnetic field.
Ekaterina Karatsuba, Dorodnicyn Computing Center, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Sevilla, December 14, 2015 (pdf
poster and extended abstract)
- Wandering
breathers in coupled nonlinear chains: classical
counterpart of quantum tunneling.
Yuriy Kosevich, Semenov Institute of
Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscú, Rusia.
Sevilla, November 11, 2014
(pdf poster and abstract)
- Creation and annealing of
point defects in germanium crystal lattices by subthreshold energy
Sergio Coelho , Departament of Physics, University of Pretoria, South
Sevilla, October 7, 2103 (abstract and pdf
(Visitor from September 23 to October 14, 2013)
Conference organization: LENCOS 2012:
2nd Conference on Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Complex
Sevilla, Spain, July 9-12, 2012. Chairman: J Cuevas, organizers:
A Álvarez,
F Palmero, JFR Archilla, FR Romero, B Sánchez-Rey, Sci Commitee: J
Cuevas, F
of abstracts, publication Localized
Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems, Springer, 2014,
ISBN 978-3-319-02056-3)
- Multivortex periodic
structures in driven
magnetic nanodots
Yury Gaididei, Bogolyubov
Institute ofor Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
Sevilla, Spain, July 12, 2012 (pdf abstract).
- Dark Solitons and
Vortices, Double Wells,
Ghost States and Nonlinear PT-phase
transitions in Defocusing PT-symmetric
Panayotis G. Kevrekidis,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA
Sevilla, Spain, July 10, 2012 (pdf abstract).
- Bright solitons from
Boris A. Malomed, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel
Sevilla, Spain, July 10, 2012 (pdf abstract).
- A new type of energetic
mobile nonlinear non-oscillatory
lattice excitation in crystals
FM Russell, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
Sevilla, Spain, July 9, 2012 (pdf abstract).
- Modelo físico para
medios granulares unidimensionales
Lautaro Vergara, (abstract
and jpg poster) Sevilla, January 31, 2011.
- Modelling vortex patches
with mKdV breathers
Miguel Ángel Alejo Plana (pdf poster)
Sevilla, July 13, 2011.
- Jornada de Física No
Lineal 2011 (pdf poster)
D. Frantzeskakis, N. Karachalios and R. Carretero,
Sevilla, October 13, 2011.
- Tunneling
nonlinear exciton-phonons in coupled macromolecules and in coupled
semiconductor nanowires (
Yury Kosevich, Sevilla, October 27, 2011 (pdf poster).
- Nonlinear
Waves in Granular Crystals
Mason A Porter, (abstract).
Sevilla, March 4, 2010.
- Reaction Rate Theory
with account of Discrete Breathers.
Vladimir Dubinko (abstract
and pdf poster). Sevilla, July 15, 2010.
- The Discrete
Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Christopher Chong (abstract),
Sevilla, April 11, 2010, 18:00.
- Modelos básicos no
lineales y sus soluciones básicas
Boris Malomed, Sevilla, January 28-31, 2009.
Internacional: Simulación Matemática en Ciencia y Tecnología.
Fundación Ramón Areces. Ciencias
de la Vida y de la Materia, 29 y 30 de enero de 2009
- Introducción a los
Métodos para la Simulación de Materiales II
Norge Cruz, Sevilla, April 4, 2009, 18:00.
- Introducción a la
dinámica molecular con DLPOLY
Juan FR Archilla, Sevilla, April 26, 2009.
- Introducción a los
Métodos para la Simulación de Materiales I
Norge Cruz, Sevilla, October 7, 2009, 12:00.
- Conference in Sevilla: LENCOS'09
Organized by Jesús Cuevas and the GFNL, Sevilla, July 2009.
- Nonlinearity in the
Taylor-Couette flow
Jesús Cuevas, Sevilla, December 9, 2009.
Juan FR Archilla, Sevilla, June 2, 2008, 10-12h.
- Soliton Management in
Periodic Systems
Boris Malomed (abstract
and pdf poster). Sevilla, October 10, 2008.
- Non lineal vibrations in
closed DNA chains.
Cynthia Ferrreira and JFR Archilla.
Sevilla, November 27, 2007.
- Modelling signal
transmission in proteins. Actin filaments as transmission lines.
Cynthia Ferrreira
(abstract and pdf
Sevilla, October 25, 2007.
- Protein folding. The
Davydov-Scott model.
Leonor Cruzeiro (abstract,
poster and slides).
Sevilla, May 24, 2007.
- Vibraciones localizadas
no lineales y velocidad de reacción
en la mica muscovita.
JFR Archilla (abstract and slides).
Academia Sevillana de Ciencias,
Sevilla, March 13, 2007.
- Excitaciones Localizadas
No Lineales en Sistemas Discretos.
Problemas numéricos y de computación.
JFR Archilla, J Cuevas y F Palmero (abstract and slides).
07, Sevilla, March 6, 2007.
- Introducción a la
microscopía de efecto tunel (STM) y la
microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM).
Taisia Gorkhover y Daniela Rupp (abstract, poster and slides).
Sevilla, January 22, 2007.
- Center manifold
approximation to breathers in inhomogeneous lattices.
B Sánchez-Rey
Sevilla, December 17, 2006.
- Dispersión de breathers
móviles en una cadena Klein-Gordon con interfaz de masa.
N Khalil (abstract
and slides).
Sevilla, July 11, 2006.
- Engineered Nonlinear
Excitations in Magnetic Nanostructures
Yuri B Gaididei (abstract,
posters and slides).
Sevilla, May 24, 2006.
- Efecto Aharonov-Bohm para
un excitón
F Palmero (pdf
slides 300 Kb). Sevilla, May 18, 2006.
- Excitaciones localizadas
en sólidos y biomoléculas.
Hacia nuevos avances en biología y tecnología,
Coloquios en la Facultad de Física,
2 de mayo de 2006.
J Cuevas (pdf
slides 700 Kb),
F Palmero
slides 700 Kb)
y JFR Archilla (pdf
slides 800 Kb)
- Sistemas cuánticos
abiertos.Plegamiento de proteínas
J Cuevas, January 16, 2006 (pdf
slides 310 Kb).
- Mica, a window into the
atomic world
FM Russell, December 16, 2005
abstract and poster 600 Kb).
- Molecular modelling of
nucleic acids: How Quantum Chemistry might help?
E Starikov, April 1, 2005.(abstract,
poster and slides)
- Nonlinear
Double Day 2005
International workshop on Nonlinear
excitations: theory and experiments.
March 3- 4 2005 (abstracts
and slides). Speakers: PL Christiansen, J Cuevas, JC Eilbeck,
F Fillaux, Yu B Gaidedi,
D Hennig, G James, M Johansson, F Piazza, R Pinto and P Sen,
- Neutron spectroscopy.
Introduction and application to KH bistrifluoroacetate (pdf
slides, 750 Kb)
JFR Archilla, December 14, 2004.
- Solitons in Bose-Einstein
slides, 178 Kb, in Spanish)
J Cuevas. October 25, 2004.
- Heat transport in low
dimensional systems (NLDD
2004 Extension)
Roberto Livi, Dipartimento
de Fisica, University of Florence, Italy. June 3, 2004.
Double Day 2004
International workshop on Macroscopic
Effects of Anharmonic Excitations.
17-18 May 2004
(abstracts and slides).
Speakers: MD Alba, JFR Archilla, PL Christiansen, JC Eilbeck, F
Yu B Gaididei, D Hennig and B Sánchez-Rey.
- Exact moving breathers in
the DNLS
B Sánchez-Rey. April 22, 2004.
- Structure and function of
DNA telomeres.
(abstract, pdf
and gif video)
JMR Romero. March 25, 2004 .
- DNA telomeres from the
point of view of nonlinear physics
F Palmero and J Cuevas. March 25, 2004
- Quantum breathers in
fermionic and bosonic Hubbard models II.
F Palmero. March 18, 2004.
- Quantum breathers in
fermionic and bosonic Hubbard models I.
F Palmero. March 11, 2004.
- Localization in a quantum
C Katerji. March 18, 2004.
- An algebraic method for
constructing breathers.
J Cuevas. October 21, 2003.
- Classical and Quantum
FR Romero. October 14, 2003.
- Structure and function of
JMR Romero. October 28, 2003.
International workshop on Moving
Breathers in Inhomogeneous Lattices
Sevilla, Spain, 21-22 February 2003 (abstracts
and slides).
Speakers: PL Christiansen, JC Eilbeck, S Flach, Yu B Gaididei, D
M Johansson, C Katerji, PV Larsen, F Mertens, F Palmero,
G Tsironis and L Vázquez.