Organized by GFNL, the Group of
Nonlinear Physics of the University of Sevilla
With the collaboration of the Department of Applied Physics
Heat transport in low dimensional systems
Speaker: Roberto Livi, Dipartimento de Fisica, University of Florence, Italy
June 3, 2004
Part I: Generalities and basic models: 10.15-11.15 h
Part II: Recent achievements (including an illustration of analytic methods): 11.45-12.45 h
Location: Department of Applied Physics I at ETSI Informática . Avda Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012-Sevilla, Spain
Abstract (poster):
transport il low-dimensional systems may exhibit anomalous behaviors, depeding
on the nature of the interaction. Moreover, disorder and anharmonicity may
yield different scenarios. We survey this problem in various 1-d and 2-d
models: numerics and analytic approaches allow to obtain a consistent view of
the problem.
Organizer: Juan FR Archilla