Engineered Nonlinear Excitations in Magnetic Nanostructures
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Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Metrologichna str. 14 B, 03143, Kiev, Ukraine.
Date and premises: Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 18.30h. Sala de
Reuniones del Decanato de la Facultad de Física (planta 1), Avda Reina
Mercedes s/n, Sevilla
Language: English
The active control of nonlinear dynamical systems — nonlinear
excitations engineering — is a fastly developing area of condensed
matter physics. Nonlinear photonic crystals — dielectric structures
with periodic nonlinear susceptibility, ferromagnetic dots on top of a
superconducting film, superstructures of well–controlled, laterally
defined magnetic elements: so–called magnetic wires and dots (i.e.
elements with one– and two–restricted dimensions, respectively) have
acquired a significant place in physics as well as in technology. These
structures are attracting increasing interest due to both fundamental
and technological points of view. In these systems the topological
excitations (domain walls and vortices) determine the static and
dynamic properties.
The aim of this talk is to demonstrate that vortex dynamis in magnetic nanodots may be effectively controlled by applying alternative magnetic fields. Two main items are planned to discuss.