- Cristina López Aracil. Time-integrated GHG emissions in advanced waste-to-energy plants producing fuels, chemicals and electricity from MSW refuse. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. July 2017.
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- María de los Ángeles Portillo Crespo. Estudio experimental y modelado de la cinética de catalizadores basados en sulfuro de molibdeno para la síntesis de etanol. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. March 2017.
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- Carmen Mª. Reyes Valle. Estudio técnico-económico y análisis de ciclo de vida de la producción de etanol a partir de biomasa lignocelulósica por la vía termoquímica. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. July 2015.
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- Sebastián Martínez Galera. Estudio de la conversión termoquímica de glicerina a hidrógeno y electricidad mediante reformado con agua supercrítica. Evaluación tecno-económica y análisis de ciclo de vida. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. July 2015.
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- Ana Mª Serrera Cobos. Estudio de la conversión termoquímica de glicerina a gas de síntesis mediante reformado con agua supercrítica. Evaluación de las aplicaciones del gas de síntesis. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. July 2014.
- Pedro G. Haro. Thermochemical Biorefineries based on DME as platform chemical: conceptual design and technoeconomic assessment Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. June 2013.
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- Diego J. Fuentes Cano. Studies on tar formation and
conversion for the development of a three-stage gasifier. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. April 2013.
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- Susanna Louise Nilsson. Modeling and simulation of a three-stage gasification technology for waste and biomass. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. June 2012.
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- Manuel Campoy Naranjo. Biomass and waste gasification in fluidised bed: pilot plant studies. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. May 2009
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- Alberto Gómez Barea. Modelling of diffusional effects during gasification of biomass char particles in fluidised bed. Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. University of Seville. May 2006
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