Health Behaviour in School-aged Children

Comunidad Valenciana

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1044 adolescents from Comunidad Valenciana was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. y PÉREZ, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas valencianos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-034-X.

hbscorg pieGobierno de EspañaUniversidad de Sevilla