Health Behaviour in School-aged Children

Castilla-La Mancha

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1307 adolescents from Castilla-La Mancha was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. y PÉREZ, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas castellano-manchegos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-024-8.

hbscorg pieGobierno de EspañaUniversidad de Sevilla