Health Behaviour in School-aged Children


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1726 adolescents from Andalusia was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.

MORENO, C.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO M.C.; RAMOS, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas andaluces de 11 a 17 añosMadrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-017-2.
postbullets2011 Edition

Department of Health of the autonomous government of Andalusia asked for a particular research which could obtain representative data from the adolescents of the Andalusian region. Therefore, data was collected specifically for Andalusia in the spring of 2011. Furthermore, an important advantage of this edition is the incorporation of the variable province to the sampling, since it made it possible to get representative information about the adolescents for each of the eight provinces of the region.

The sample selection procedure (random multi-stage sampling by conglomerates) allows the generalization of the results through all over Andalusia. Likewise, the results are representative for age levels (11-12, 13-14, 15-16 and 17-18), provinces and educational center types (public or private).In this edition, data was collected from 15,684 boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18 in a total of 253 educational centers. Results can be found in the reports below.

Results report

Divulgativo 2011


MORENO, C., RAMOS, P., RIVERA, F., JIMÉNEZ-IGLESIAS, A. y GARCÍA-MOYA, I. (2013). Las conductas relacionadas con la salud y el desarrollo de los adolescentes andaluces. Resumen del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children en Andalucía (HBSC-2011). Sevilla: Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía).


informe tablas andalucía 2011


MORENO, C., RAMOS, P., RIVERA, F., JIMÉNEZ-IGLESIAS, A. y GARCÍA-MOYA, I. (2013). Estilos de vida, contextos de desarrollo y ajuste psicológico en los adolescentes andaluces. Resultados del estudio 2011 con chicos y chicas andaluces de 11 a 18 años. Sevilla: Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía).


Standard model of participating schools' reports

modelo informe centros educativos 2011

MORENO, C., RAMOS, P., RIVERA, F., JIMÉNEZ-IGLESIAS, A., GARCÍA-MOYA, I. y PAZOS, M. (2011). Estudio Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC-2011): "Informes de resultados preliminares del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children en Andalucía (HBSC-2011)" dirigidos a los Centros Educativos participantes. Sevilla: Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía). Informes no publicados.

As well as the 2010 edition of the Spanish HBSC Study, the 2011 edition of the HBSC Study in Andalusia did incorporate Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) to the data collecting procedure. Hence, the participation of the educational centers was facilitated, and the anonymity of students and confidentiality of data was improved.

Finally, thanks to a subsidy in the framework of the Excellence Projects Programmes awarded by theDepartment of Economy, Innovation and Science of the autonomous government of Andalusia, this initiative will have continuity in the future.

Consejeria de economía, inovación y ciencía             Consejería de salud



postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1344 adolescents from Aragón was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.

MORENO, C.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I. y PÉREZ, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas aragoneses de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-018-8.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1268 adolescents from Asturias was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.

MORENO, C.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas asturianos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-019-3.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1073 adolescents from Cantabria was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F. y MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas cántabros de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-022-7.

Castilla y León

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1208 adolescents from Castilla y León was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas castellano-leoneses de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-023-2.

Castilla-La Mancha

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1307 adolescents from Castilla-La Mancha was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. y PÉREZ, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas castellano-manchegos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-024-8.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 914 adolescents from Cataluña was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C. y RAMOS, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas catalanes de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-025-3.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1061 adolescents from Ceuta and Melilla was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas ceutíes y melillenses de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-027-4.

Comunidad de Madrid

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1052 adolescents from Madrid was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. y PÉREZ, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas madrileños de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-030-8.

Comunidad Valenciana

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1044 adolescents from Comunidad Valenciana was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. y PÉREZ, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas valencianos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-034-X.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1218 adolescents from Extremadura was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas extremeños de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-028-X.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1519 adolescents from Galicia was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F. y MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas gallegos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-029-5.

Islas Baleares

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1096 adolescents from Baleares was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas baleares de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-020-6.

Islas Canarias

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1317 adolescents from Canarias was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C. y RAMOS, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas canarios de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-021-1.

La Rioja

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1089 adolescents from La Rioja was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; GRANADO, M.C. y RAMOS, P. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas riojanos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-033-4.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1061 adolescents from Ceuta and Melilla was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P. y RIVERA, F. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas ceutíes y melillenses de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-027-4.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1151 adolescents from Murcia was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I; GRANADO, M.C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F. y MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas murcianos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-031-3.


postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1300 adolescents from Navarra was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I.; PÉREZ, P.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V. y GRANADO, M.C. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas navarros de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-032-9.

País Vasco

postbullets2006 Edition

As part of the 2006 edition of the survey HBSC, a representative sample consisting of 1124 adolescents from País Vasco was obtained. Results regarding these adolescents' lifestyles and their experiences within their developmental contexts can be found in the report below.


MORENO, C.; RAMOS, P.; RIVERA, F.; MUÑOZ-TINOCO, V.; PÉREZ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-QUEIJA, I. y GRANADO, M.C. (2008). Desarrollo adolescente y salud. Resultados del Estudio HBSC-2006 con chicos y chicas vascos de 11 a 17 años. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. NIPO: 351-08-035-5.

hbscorg pieGobierno de EspañaUniversidad de Sevilla