Problem:  Situations or projects in which we need to manage multiple tasks by changing the container to which it belongs, usually to represent that the task is assigned to one person or another.

Motivation: This pattern will be used for controlling dynamic tasks, focusing on its assignment, exploiting the possibility of card flow. One of the most frequent uses of this pattern is managing collaborative work assignment. With this pattern, the user will know which tasks are assigned to each worker and it will be able to change it. It is quite useful for effort balancing, achieving an equitative distribution of task at each moment.

Solution and graphic representation:  Each list usually represents a person or a department, which is completely independent of the others, without any type of precedence or order between them. Each list will contain the tasks related to its corresponding topic. The resulting board will be similar to many to-do lists, independent of each other, but together in the same board.

assigned tasks board design

Related Patterns:

This pattern is quite similar to “Categorized Tasks”, differing only in the card flow. In this pattern, tasks are dynamic and can be assigned to different people or department as they change in real life. However, in “Categorized Tasks” it’s not allowed to change the topic in which a card is stored.

It’s also similar to “Kanban”, but this second pattern focus on the evolution of the task, not in its responsible or assigned department, as in “Assigned Tasks”.



In this template we have the example of a team made up of five people. Each one has some tasks assigned (its responsabilities), but they are able to exchange tasks with some other partner. That possibility will depend on the context of the enterprise, and in the given example we don’t know it (because it’s not indicated in its description, that’s why we don’t draw the arrows in the previous image) but a priori, the flow of cards between lists is completely free (from one person or department to another).

Trello Templates Examples: