Thermochemical conversion of biomass


The aim of the work in this area is the development of fluidized-bed gasification technology for small to medium scale (≈0.5‒5 MWe) to generate distributed electricity from biomass and waste.

To achieve this, various tasks are worked out:

- The design and operation of pilot and demonstration plants, and studies of the viability of the gasification of various residues/waste products.
This task is mainly carried out by projects financed by private companies interested in the development of commercial products. The objective is to come up with optimal commercial units for each biomass or waste, including definition of the gasifier and the gas cleaning section.

- Understanding the gasification process for new developments.
This task examines in detail the fluidized-bed gasification process by experimental and theoretical studies, analyzing the various stages of the process. This task enables exploration of new developments. New fluidized-bed gasifier technology with an innovative design is being developed, currently in the pilot scale stage, which would allow for the production of a gas with a very low in tar content and an increase in the overall efficiency of the gasification process (Fletgas Process).

Grupo de Bioenergía
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sevilla
Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092, Sevilla, España