Here, we will set the foundations for the development and coordination of the different tasks in TERRYER. As result, researchers will be provided with verified empirical information in order to confirm the scenarios and to enrich the theoretical support to the socio-territorial analysis of the energy transition. The activities to be performed include:
We will identify and evaluate proceedings as well as activities related to the installing and using of renewable energies plants, including the own perception among the local populations. The actions to be developed will consist on:
Social aspects related to the implementation of renewable energies will be strengthen and emphasised in this stage. To this end, the participation of the local populations will be encouraged by discussion groups and the dissemination of good practices. The tasks required include:
A network will be consolidated with the aim of reinforcing the importance and necessity of renewable energies landscapes territorial analysis. These actions will mainly consist on:
The links with enterprises and the training of professional doctors.