
TERRYER is a cross-cutting research project within the framework of the State Program on R+D+I oriented to the Society Challenges. Challenge 3 on Safe, Clean and Efficient Energy. The funding comes from the Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry.


The Project studies the relationships between renewable energies landscapes and the local population in eleven case studies in Spain and Portugal, evaluating the local benefits, while recommendations for best practices are being stablished. This way, the project tries to overcome existing researches, focused mainly on the rejection or acceptance of the local population, at the same time that the next working hypothesis get confirmed:


  1. The physic-environmental processes associated to the implementation and consolidation of renewable power plants can be controlled by using territorial recognition tools.
  2. The social acceptance of renewable energy plants in Spain and Portugal confirm that these plants have multiple functions, not only producing clean energy.
  3. Business leadership and renewable energies implementation can coexist and be combined by practising cooperative consumption, innovation and social responsibility, always shared with the population.

First virtual secondment of the TERRYER performers. 18 of September 2018.