The team

Coordinator: Dr. Luis Perez-Urrestarazu


Coordinator: Dr. Luis Perez-Urrestarazu

Dr. Pérez-Urrestarazu is a Full Professor in the Area of Agroforestry Engineering at the University of Seville. Dr Perez holds a BS Degree in Agricultural Engineering and he received his PhD degree from the University of Cordoba in 2007. He is a Technician in Occupational Risks Prevention (2003). He was a visiting researcher in academic institutions such as Cranfield y Loughborough Universities (UK) and California Polytechnic State University (USA). He was the winner of the X Award for Agricultural Research (Unicaja Foundation, 2008) and the IX Doctoral Thesis Award (Professional Association of Agricultural Engineers of Andalucía, 2009).

Dr. Perez is in charge of the research group AGR-268 – Urban Greening and Biosystems Engineering (for 9 years belonged to the research group AGR-228 – Hydraulics and Irrigation). Currently, he is the Dean of the HigherTechnical School of Agricultural Engineering (from July 2012).

His research interests focus on three main areas: Water management for irrigation (Performance indicators, energy saving, network analysis), aquaponics (joint production of plants and vegetables) and Urban Greening (green roofs and living walls, conventional green areas…).

Dr. Rafael Fernandez Cañero

Rafael Fernandez Cañero

Dr. Fernández Cañero is an Agricultural Engineer (University of Cordoba, 2001) and he received his PhD degree from the University of Seville in 2011.  After an initial stage of professional activity in the field of gardening he is since 2005 Assistant Professor inthe Department of Agroforestry Sciences (University of Seville) where he teaches and coordinates courses on Gardening and landscaping. His main area of research within the gardening and landscaping is Urban Greening (Living walls, Green Roofs and Xeroscaping). He holds three patents and he has made three research stays at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Sweden (2008), Michigan State University (2013) and as Visiting Professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Brazil (2014).

He has numerous national and international publications in the field of gardening and landscaping. He has made several invited presentations at events at national and international level and multiple contributions to conferences. Additionally, he is a founding partner of the firm Terapia Urbana, a spinoff of the University of Seville. He is also a member of AEPJP, participating in the Commission for the Study of Historical Gardens.