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- Thermal
lifetime of breathers
JFR Archilla; J Bajārs,
S Flach
Physica D 473 (2025) 134551 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physd.2025.134551
Accepted version:
arXiv:2411.06044 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
- Nonlinear bandgap transmission
by discrete rogue waves induced in a pendulum chain
AB Togueu Motcheyo, M Kimura, Y Doi, JFR Archilla, JFR Archilla.
Phys. Lett. A 497 (2024) 129334/1-7 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2024.129334
(Green Open Access: arXiv:2401.13141, pdf)
- A semiclassical model for
charge transfer along ion chains in silicates
JFR Archilla; J Bajārs, Y Doi, M Kimura.
J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 2769: 012015/1-19 (2024) (Gold Open
Access), https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2769/1/012015
- Multiple
Time Stepping Methods for Numerical Simulation of Charge Transfer by
Mobile Discrete Breathers
J Bajārs, JFR Archilla.
ICNAAM 2022: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and
Applied Mathematics, Heraklion, Crete, 19-25/09/2022.
AIP Conf. Proc. 3094: 500026/1-4 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0210521
- Quodon current in
tungsten and consequences for tokamak fusion reactors
FM Russell; JFR Archilla; JL Mas
Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2300297. https://doi.org/10.1002/pssr.202300297
(open access), pdf
- Scattering of
discrete solitons from an impurity in the saturable nonlinear
Schrödinger equation
J Tsoplefack, F Palmero, A Provata, DJ Frantzeskakis, J Cuevas-Maraver.
ICNAAM 2022: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and
Applied Mathematics, Heraklion, Crete, 19-25/09/2022.
AIP Conf. Proc. 3094: 500011/1-4 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0210205
- Spectral Properties of Exact
Polarobreathers in Semiclassical Systems
JFR Archilla; J Bajārs.
Axioms 12, 5 (2023) 437/1-26.
web https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms12050437
(open access)
- Frequency-momentum
representation of moving breathers in a two dimensional hexagonal
J Bajārs, JFR Archilla.
Physica D 441 (2022) 133497/1-11, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physd.2022.133497
(open access).
- Splitting
methods for semi-classical Hamiltonian dynamics of charge transfer in
nonlinear lattices
J Bajārs, JFR Archilla.
Mathematics 10, 19 (2022) 3460/1-44, web
(open access) .
- Intrinsic
localized modes in polymers and hyperconductors
FM Russell, JFR Archilla.
Low Temp. Phys 48, 12:1009-1014 (7-12-2022), https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0015109
accepted pdf [Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (ФНТ)
48,12:1143-1148 (2022) pdf]
- Localized
waves in silicates. What do we know from experiments?
FM Russell, JFR Archilla, S
C. H. Skiadas, Y. Dimotikalis, (eds) 13th Chaotic Modeling and
Simulation International Conference, pp 721-734. CHAOS 2020.
Springer Proc. Complex. Springer, Cham (2021).
- Ballistic
charge transport by mobile nonlinear excitations
FM Russell, JFR Archilla.
Phys. Status Solidi RRL. 19, 3: 2100420/1-7
(2022) 2100420.(First published: 30/09/2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/pssr.202100420
(open access).
- Simultaneous
and individual adsorption of ibuprofen metabolites by a modified
JL Malvar, J Martín, MM Orta, S Medina-Carrasco, JL Santos, I Aparicio
and E
Applied Clay Science. 189 (2020) 105529, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2020.105529
- Biopolymer-clay
nanocomposites as novel and ecofriendly adsorbents for environmental
MM Orta, J Martín, JL Santos, I Aparicio, S Medina-Carrasco and E
Applied Clay Science. 198 (2020) 105838, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2020.105838
- In situ XRD
analysis of dolomite calcination under CO2 in a humid environment
S Medina-Carrasco, JM Valverde.
CrystEngComm. 22, 39 (2020) 6502-6516, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0ce00974a
- Potential
application of a synthetic organo-funtionalized high load expandable
mica as drug carrier for controlled release
MM Orta, S Maisanaba, S Medina-Carrasco and A Jos.
Current Drug Delivery. 17 (2020) 1, https://doi.org/10.2174/1567201817666201022122845
- Hyperconductivity
in fluorphlogopite at 300 K and 1.1 T.
FM Russell, MW Russell, JFR Archilla.
EPL 127,1 (2019) 16001, https://doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/127/16001, pdf
- Pterobreathers
in a model for a layered crystal with realistic potentials: Exact
moving breathers in a moving frame.
JFR Archilla, Y Doi, M Kimura
Phys. Rev E 100, 2 (2019) 022206, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.022206,
- Evaluation
of a modified mica and montmorillonite for the adsorption of ibuprofen
from aqueous media
J Martín, MM Orta, S Medina-Carrasco, JL Santos, I Aparicio and E
Applied Clay Science. 171 (2019) 29-37, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2019.02.002
- Removal of
priority and
emerging pollutants from aqueous media by adsorption onto synthetic
organo-funtionalized high-charge swelling micas
MM Orta, J Martín, S Medina-Carrasco, JL Santos, I Aparicio and E
Applied Clay Science. 173 (2019) 107-114, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2019.03.015
- Soliton
ratchet induced by random transitions among symmetric sine-Gordon
J Casado-Pascual , B Sánchez-Rey, NR Quintero.
Chaos 29 (2019) 053119, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5092797
- Length-scale
competition in the parametrically driven nonlinear Dirac equation with
a spatially periodic force
NR Quintero, B Sánchez-Rey, F Cooper, FG Mertens.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019) 285201, https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/ab2469
- Understanding
the effect of UV light in systems containing clay minerals and
MC da Rocha, EMDA Braz, LMC Honório, P Trigueiro, MG Fonseca, EC
Silva-Filho, S Medina-Carrasco, M Sanchez-Polo, C Viseras-Iborra and JA
Applied Clay Science. 183 (2019) 105311, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2019.105311
- Nonlinear
Systems, Vol. 1. Mathematical Theory and Computational Methods.
V Carmona, J Cuevas-Maraver, F Fernández-Sánchez, E García-Medina,
Understanding Complex Sytems, ISSN 1860-0840, Springer, Cham (2018),
ISBN: 978-3-319-66765-2, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66766-9
- Nonlinear
Systems, Vol. 2. Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Optics and Condensed
JFR Archilla, F Palmero, MC Lemos, B Sánchez-Rey and J Casado-Pascual,
Understanding Complex Sytems, ISSN 1860-0840, Springer, Cham
(2018), ISBN: 978-3-319-72217-7, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72218-4
- Solitary
Waves in the Nonlinear Dirac Equation.
J Cuevas-Maraver, N Boussaďd, A Comech, R Lan, PG Kevrekidis, A
In V Carmona, J Cuevas-Maraver, F Fernández-Sánchez, E
García-Medina, Editors,
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham (2018), pages
89-143, https://doi:org/10.1007/978-3-319-66766-9_4
- Kinks in a
Lattice of Repelling Particles: Experimental study with a chain of
coupled pendulums.
A Mehrem, LJ Salmerón-Contreras, N Jiménez, VJ
Sánchez-Morcillo, R Picó, LM García-Raffi, JFR Archilla and YA Kosevich
JFR Archilla, F Palmero, MC Lemos, B Sánchez-Rey and J Casado-Pascual,
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2. Springer, Cham (2018), pages
261-282, https://doi:org/10.1007/978-3-319-72218-4_11
- Transport
Properties of Quodons in Muscovite and Prediction of Hyper-Conductivity
FM Russell
JFR Archilla, F Palmero, MC Lemos, B Sánchez-Rey and J
Casado-Pascual, Editors,
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2. Springer, Cham (2018), pages
241-260, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72218-4_10
- Novel
synthetic clays for the adsorption of surfactants from aqueous media
MM Orta, J Martín, S Medina-Carrasco, JL Santos, I Aparicio and E
Journal of Environmental Management. 206 (2018) 357-363, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.10.053
- Removal of
priority and
emerging pollutants from aqueous media by adsorption onto synthetic
organo-funtionalized high-charge swelling micas
J Martín, MM Orta, S Medina-Carrasco, JL Santos, I Aparicio and E
Environmental Research. 164 (2018) 488-494, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2018.03.037
- Crystallization
Kinetics of
Nanocrystalline Materials by Combined X-ray Diffraction and
Differential Scanning Calorimetry Experiments
E Gil-Gonzalez, A Perejon, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, S Medina-Carrasco, J
Kupcik, J Subrt, JM Criado and LA Perez-Maqueda.
Crystal Growth and Design. 18 (2018) 3107-3116, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00241
- Crystallographic
and Morphological Transformation of Natrite and Nahcolite in the Dry
Carbonate Process for CO2 Capture
S Medina-Carrasco, JM Valverde
Crystal Growth and Design. 18 (2018) 4578-4592, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00563
- Nonlinear
waves in a model for silicate layers.
JFR Archilla, Y Zolotaryuk, YA Kosevich and Y Doi.
Chaos 28, 8, 083119 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5030376, pdf
in US
repository and arXiv
- Nonlinear
waves in a chain of magnetically coupled pendula
LM García-Raffi; LJ Salmerón-Contreras; N Jiménez; A Mehrem;
VJ Sánchez-Morcillo; R Picó; JFR Archilla
Proceedings of Meetings in Acoustics 34, 045037/1-5 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1121/2.0000915
(open access).
- Propagation
studies for the construction of atomic macro-coherence in dense media
as a tool to investigate neutrino physics
J Martín Vaquero, J Cuevas-Maraver and A Peralta Conde (abstract
and pdf file in arXiv)
The European Physical Journal D 71 (2017) 61
- Floquet
Analysis of Kuznetsov-Ma breathers: A Path Towards Spectral Stability
of Rogue Waves
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis, DJ Frantzeskakis, NI Karachalios, M
Haragus and G James (abstract
and pdf file in us repository)
Physical Review E 96 (2017) 012202
- Unifying
perspective: Hamiltonian lattice traveling waves as discrete breathers
and energy criteria for their stability
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis, A Vainchtein and H Xu (abstract
and pdf file in us repository)
Physical Review E 96 (2017) 032214
- Solitary
waves in a two-dimensional nonlinear Dirac equation: from discrete to
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis, AB Aceves and A Saxena (abstract
and pdf file in us repository)
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (2017) 495207
- A
Korteweg-de Vries description of dark solitons in polariton
R Carretero-González, J Cuevas-Maraver, DJ Frantzeskakis, TP Horikis,
PG Kevrekidis and AS Rodrigues
Physics Letters A 381 (2017) 3805. (abstract
and pdf file in arXiv)
- Infinite
charge mobility in muscovite at 300K.
FM Russell, JFR Archilla, F Frutos, S Medina-Carrasco.
Europhys. Lett., 120 (2017) 46001 (6 pages) https://doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/120/46001
- Solitary waves of a PT-symmetric Nonlinear Dirac
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis, A Saxena, F Cooper, A Khare, A Comech
and CM Bender,
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron, 22(5), 1-9
(2016), doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2485607
, (abstract
and pdf in
us repository)
- On the
charge of quodons
JFR Archilla and FM Russell.
Letters on Materials 6,1 (2016) 3-8, doi:10.22226/2410-3535-2016-1-3-8,
and pdf copy in journal web site)
- Multifrequency and edge breathers in the discrete
sine-Gordon system via subharmonic driving: theory, computation and
F. Palmero, J. Han, L.Q. English, T.J. Alexander, P.G. Kevrekidis
Phys. Lett. A 380(3), 401-407 (2016), doi:
10.1016/j.physleta.2015.10.061 (arXiv:1508.07152)
- Optoelectronic Chaos in a Simple
Light Activated Feedback Circuit
KL Joiner, F Palmero, R Carretero-González
Int J. Bifurcat. Chaos 26(5):1650080 (2016), doi:
10.1142/S0218127416500802, (pdf
- Energy
localization and shape transformations in semiflexible polymer rings
YuB Gaididei, JFR Archilla, VJ Sánchez-Morcillo, and C Gorria.
Phys. Rev. E 93, 062227 (2016), doi:
10.1103/PhysRevE.93.062227, (abstract
and pdf in
us repository)
- Quantum
dynamics of wave packets in a nonstationary parabolic potential and the
Kramers escape rate theory
VI Dubinko, DV
Laptev, AS Mazmanishvili, JFR Archilla
J. Micromech. Mol. Phys,
1(2):1650010 (2016) doi:10.1142/S2424913016500107
- Kink ratchet induced by a time-dependent symmetric
field potential
B Sánchez-Rey, J. Casado-Pacual, N.R. Quintero
Phys. Rev. E 94, 012221 (2016) doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.012221
(pdf copy)
- Nonlinear instabilities of multi-site breathers in
Klein-Gordon lattices
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis and DE Pelinovsky
Studies in Applied Mathematics 137(2), 214-237
(2016), doi:10.1111/sapm.12107
- Impulse-induced localized control of chaos in
starlike networks
R Chacón, F Palmero, J Cuevas-Maraver (arXiv:1603.01089)
Phys. Rev. E 93(6):062210 (2016), doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.93.062210
- Long range annealing of defects in germanium by
low energy plasma ions
JFR Archilla, SMM Coelho, FD Auret, VI Dubinko and V Hizhyakov
Physica D 297 (2015) 56-61, DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2015.01.001
and pdf in
- Ultra-discrete kinks with supersonic speed in a
layered crystal with realistic potentials
JFR Archilla, Yu A Kosevich, N Jiménez, V Sánchez-Morcillo and LM
Phys. Rev. E 91 (2015) 022912, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.022912
(abstract and
pdf in
- Solitary waves in a discrete nonlinear Dirac
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis and A Saxena (abstract and
pdf copy)
J. Phys. A: Math. Teor. 48 (2015) 055204 Chosen for a
Publisher's Pick interview
- Solitary Waves in the Nonlinear Dirac Equation at
the Continuum Limit: Stability and Dynamics
J Cuevas-Maraver, PG Kevrekidis, A Saxena, F Cooper and FG Mertens (abstract and
pdf copy)
In Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Chapter 4. Nova Science
Publishers, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-63483-227-4
- Edited book: Quodons
in Mica: Nonlinear Localized Travelling Excitations in Crystals,
Edited by J.F.R. Archilla, N.
Jiménez, V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo and L.M. García-Raffi.
Springer Series in Materials Science Vol. 221, , August 1,
978-3-319-21044-5 (Print) 978-3-319-21045-2 (Online). DOI:
- A Supersonic Crowdion in Mica: Ultradiscrete kinks
with energy between 40K recoil and transmission sputtering
JFR Archilla, YA Kosevich, N Jiménez,
Sánchez-Morcillo, LM
In Quodons in Mica, Springer Series in Materials Science, vol 221,
pp. 69-96, (1-08-2015),
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21045-2_3,
and pdf in
us repository)
- Experimental Observation of Intrinsic Localized
Modes in Germanium
JFR Archilla, SMM Coelho, FD Auret, C Nyamhere, VI.
Dubinko, V Hizhnyakov
In Quodons in Mica, Springer Series in Materials Science, vol 221,
pp.343-362, (1-08-2015),
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21045-2_14,
and pdf in
us repository)
- The Origin of Defects Induced in Ultra-Pure
Germanium by Electron Beam Deposition
SMM Coelho, JFR Archilla, FD Auret and JM Nel,
In Quodons in Mica, Springer Series in Materials Science, vol 221,
pp. 363-380, (1-08-2015),
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21045-2_15,
and pdf in
us repository)
- Rate Theory of Acceleration of Defect Annealing
Driven by Discrete Breathers
VI Dubinko, JFR Archilla, SV Dmitriev and V
In Quodons in Mica, Springer Series in Materials Science, vol 221,
pp. 381-398, (1-08-2015),
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21045-2_16,
and pdf in
us repository)
- Interplay between parity-time symmetry,
supersymmetry, and nonlinearity: An analytically tractable case example
PG Kevrekidis, J Cuevas-Maraver, A Saxena, F Cooper and A Khare (abstract
and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 92, 042901 (2015)
- PT-Symmetric dimer in a generalized model of
coupled nonlinear oscillators
J Cuevas-Maraver, A Khare, PG Kevrekidis, H Xu and A Saxena (abstract and
pdf copy)
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54, 11, 3960-3985 (2015)
- Localized
Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems
Book edited by Ricardo Carretero-González, Jesús Cuevas-Maraver,
Dimitri Frantzeskakis, Nikos Karachalios, Panayotis Kevrekidis and
Faustino Palmero-Acebedo
Springer, series Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, vol. 7, 2014
ISBN 978-3-319-02056-3 (print), 978-3-319-02056-0 (on-line)
The sine-Gordon Model and its Applications. From Pendula and Josephson
Junctions to Gravity and High Energy Physics
Book edited by Jesús Cuevas-Maraver, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis and Floyd
L. Williams
Springer, series Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, vol. 10, 2014
ISBN 978-3-319-06722-3 (print), 978-3-319-06722-0 (on-line)
- Supersonic Kinks in Coulomb lattices
JFR Archilla, YA Kosevich, N Jiménez, VJ Sánchez-Morcillo, LM
In Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems, edited by R
Carretero-González et al. Springer, 2014, ISBN
978-3-319-02056-3, pp. 317-331. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02057-0_16
and pdf in
- sine-Gordon Equation: From Discrete to Continuum
M Chirilus-Bruckner, C Chong, J Cuevas-Maraver and PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
In The sine-Gordon Model and its Applications, edited by J
Cuevas-Maraver et al. Springer, 2014, ISBN
978-3-319-06722-3, pp. 31-57
- From Nodeless Clouds and Vortices to Gray Rings and
Symmetry-Broken States in Two-Dimensional Polariton Condensates
AS Rodrigues, PG Kevrekidis, R Carretero-González, J Cuevas, DJ
Frantzeskakis and F Palmero (abstract
and pdf copy)
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., 26(15):155801 (2014)
- Collective coordinates theory for discrete soliton
ratchets in the sine-Gordon model
B Sánchez-Rey, NR Quintero, J Cuevas-Maraver and MA Alejo (abstract and
pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 90, 042922 (2014)
- PT-symmetric sine-Gordon breathers
N Lu, PG Kevrekidis and J Cuevas-Maraver (abstract and pdf
J. Phys. A: Math. Teor. 47 (2014) 45510
- Escape Dynamics in the Discrete Repulsive φ4-Model
V Achilleos, A Álvarez, J Cuevas, DJ Frantzeskakis, NI Karachalios, PG
Kevrekidis and B Sánchez-Rey (abstract
and pdf copy)
Physica D 244 (2013) 1-24
- Multibreathers in Klein-Gordon chains
withinteractions beyond nearest neighbors
V Koukouloyannis, PG Kevrekidis, J Cuevas and V Rothos (abstract
and pdf copy)
Physica D 242 (2013) 16-29
- Moving Excitations in Cation Lattices
JFR Archilla, YA Kosevich, N. Jiménez, VJ Sánchez-Morcillo, LM
Ukr. J. Phys. 58, 7 (2013) 646-656, DOI: 10.15407/ujpe58.07.0646
and pdf in
us repository)
- Scattering of atomic dark-bright solitons from
narrow impurities
A Álvarez, J Cuevas, FR Romero, C Hamner, JJ Chang, P Engels, PG
Kevrekidis and DJ Frantzeskakis (abstract and pdf
Journal of Physics B 46 (2013) 065302
Chosen by IOP
Select and for a LabTalk
- Breathers in oscillator chains with Hertzian
G James, PG Kevrekidis and J Cuevas (abstract and
pdf copy)
Physica D 251 (2013) 39-59
- Interactions of solitons with a Gaussian barrier:
Splitting and recombination in quasi-one-dimensional and
three-dimensional settings
J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis, BA Malomed, P Dyke and RG Hulet (abstract and
pdf copy)
New Journal of Physics 15 (2013) 063006
- PT-symmetric dimer of coupled nonlinear oscillators
J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis, A Saxena and A Khare (abstract and
pdf copy)
Physical Review A 88 (2013) 032108
- Nonlinear localized modes in two-dimensional
electrical lattices
LQ English, F Palmero, JF Stormes, J Cuevas, R Carretero-González and
PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
Physical Review E 88 (2013) 022912
- Breathers for the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger
equation with nonlinear hopping
NI Karachalios, B Sánchez-Rey, PG Kevrekidis and J Cuevas (abstract
and pdf copy)
Journal of Nonlinear Science 23 (2013) 205-239
- Symmetry-breaking effects for polariton
condensates in double-well potentials
AS Rodrigues, PG Kevrekidis, J Cuevas, R Carretero-González and DJ
Frantzeskakis (abstract
and pdf copy)
In B.A. Malomed (Ed.), Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking,
Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations, 509-529
Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 2013. ISBN:
- Josephson tunneling of excited states in a
double-well potential
H Susanto and J Cuevas (abstract
and pdf copy)
In B.A. Malomed (Ed.), Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking,
Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations, 583-599,
Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 2013.
- Thermal equilibrium in Einstein’s elevator
B Sánchez-Rey, G Chacón-Acosta, L Dagdug and D Cubero (abstract and pdf
Physical Review E 87 (2013) 052121
- Coupled backward- and forward-propagating solitons
in a composite right/left-handed transmission line
GP Veldes, J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis and DJ Frantzeskakis (abstract and pdf
Physical Review E 88, 013203 (2013)
- PT-symmetry management in oligomer systems
RL Horne, J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis, N Whitaker, FKh Abdullaev and DJ
Frantzeskakis (abstract
and pdf copy)
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 (2013) 485101
- Energy localization and transport in
two-dimensional electrical lattices
LQ English, F Palmero, JF Stormes, J Cuevas, R Carretero-González and
PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
Abstract for the International
Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2013).
Santa Fe (USA), September 8-11, 2013
- Generation of localized modes in an electrical
lattice using subharmonic driving.
LQ English, F Palmero, P Candiani, J Cuevas, R Carretero-González, PG
Kevrekidis and AJ Sievers (abstract and
pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 084101 (2012)
- Dark lattice solitons in one-dimensional waveguide
arrays with defocusing saturable nonlinearities and alternating
A Kanshu, CE Rüter, D Kip, J Cuevas and PG Kevrekidis,
The European Physical Journal D 66 (2012) 182, (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Beating dark-dark solitons in Bose-Einstein
D Yan, JJ Chang, C Hamner, M Hoefer, PG Kevrekidis, P
Engels, V Achilleos, DJ Frantzeskakis and J Cuevas (abstract and pdf copy)
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (2012)
- Breathers and surface modes in oscillator chains
with Hertzian interactions
G James, J Cuevas and PG Kevrekidis (abstract and pdf copy)
Abstract for the International
Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012).
Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 23-26, 2012
- Collisions of Discrete Breathers in Nonlinear
Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon Lattices
J Cuevas, A Alvarez, FR Romero and JFR Archilla
In J.A.T. Machado et al (eds), Nonlinear Science and
Complexity, Part 4, 159-164, Springer Netherlands, 2011. DOI:10.1007/978-90-481-9884-9_20
978-90-481-9883-2, (abstract
pdf in
us repository)
- Stability of non-time-reversible phonobreathers.
J Cuevas, JFR Archilla and FR Romero,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 035102, (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Nonsymmetric moving breather collisions in the
Peyrard-Bishop DNA model
A Alvarez, FR Romero, JM Romero and JFR Archilla
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 4(5):995-1006
(2011), (abstract
and pdf in
us repository)
- Interaction of moving discrete breathers with
simulated interstitial defects.
J Cuevas, B Sánchez-Rey, JC Eilbeck and FM Russell (abstract and pdf copy)
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 4(5):1057-1067
- Breathers and kinks in a simulated crystal
Q Dou, J Cuevas, JC Eilbeck, FM Russell (abstract
and pdf copy)
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 4(5):1107-1118
- Dark-Bright Discrete Solitons: A Numerical Study
of Existence, Stability and Dynamics
A Alvarez, J Cuevas, FR Romero and PG Kevrekidis (abstract and pdf copy)
Physica D 240:767-778 (2011)
- Existence of dark solitons in a class of
stationary nonlinear Schrödinger equations
J Belmonte-Beitia and J Cuevas (abstract
and pdf copy)
J. Math. Phys. 52:032702 (2011)
- Reaction rate theory with account of the crystal
VI Dubinko, PA Selyshchev and JFR Archilla
Phys Rev E 83, 041124 (2011), (abstract and
pdf is
us repository)
- Josephson tunneling of dark solitons in a
double-well potential.
H Susanto, J Cuevas and P Krüger (abstract
and pdf copy)
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011) 095003
- Quasi-discrete microwave solitons in a split ring
resonator-based left-handed coplanar waveguide
GP Veldes, J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis and DJ Frantzeskakis (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 83, 046608 (2011)
- Dark-bright gap solitons in coupled-mode
one-dimensional saturable waveguide arrays
R Dong, CE Rüter, D Kip, J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis, D Song and J Xu (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. A 83, 063816 (2011)
- Nonlinear Excitations, Stability Inversions and
Dissipative Dynamics in Quasi-one-dimensional Polariton Condensates
J Cuevas, AS Rodrigues, R Carretero-González, PG Kevrekidis and DJ
Frantzeskakis (abstract and
pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. B 83, 245140 (2011)
- Discrete breathers in a nonlinear electric line:
Modeling, Computation and Experiment
F Palmero, LQ English, J Cuevas, R Carretero-González and PG Kevrekidis
(abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 84, 026605 (2011)
- Multibreather and vortex breather stability in
Klein--Gordon lattices: Equivalence between two different approaches.
J Cuevas, V Koukouloyannis, PG Kevrekidis and JFR Archilla
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21, 8 (2011)
2161-2177, (abstract
and pdf is
us repository)
- Traveling and stationary intrinsic localized modes
and their spatial control in electrical lattices
LQ English, F Palmero, AJ Sievers, PG Kevrekidis and DH Barnak (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 81, 046605 (2010)
- Regular and chaotic transport of discrete solitons
in asymmetric potentials
J Cuevas, B Sánchez-Rey and M Salerno(abstract
and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E. 82, 016604 (2010)
- Energy thresholds for the existence of breather
solutions and traveling pulses on lattices
J Cuevas, NI Karachalios and F Palmero (abstract
and pdf copy)
Applicable Analysis 89(9): 1351-1385 (2010)
- New classes of stable exact solutions for a
nonlinear rotational DNA model
J Ramírez, JL Romero, FR Romero, A Alvarez and JFR Archilla
Acta Physica Polonica B 41(9):2001-2015 (2010), (abstract
and pdf in
us repository)
- Discrete solitons in nonlinear Schrödinger
lattices with a power-law nonlinearity
J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis, DJ Frantzeskakis and BA Malomed (abstract and pdf copy)
Physica D 238 (2009) 67-76
- Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with
Time-Dependent Coefficients (Management of Lattice Solitons)
J Cuevas and BA Malomed (abstract
and pdf copy)
In P.G. Kevrekidis, Ed., The Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger
Equation. Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Computations and Physical
Perspectives, Springer ISBN: 978-3-540-89198-7. 2009
- DNLS with Impurities
J. Cuevas and F. Palmero (abstract
and pdf copy)
In P.G. Kevrekidis, Ed., The Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger
Equation. Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Computations and Physical
Perspectives, Springer ISBN: 978-3-540-89198-7. 2009
- Breathers in inhomogeneous nonlinear lattices: an
analysis via centre manifold reduction
G James, B Sánchez-Rey and J Cuevas (abstract
and pdf copy)
Rev. Math. Phys. 21:1-58 (2009)
- Solitons for the cubic-quintic nonlinear
Schrödinger equation with time and space modulated coefficients
J Belmonte-Beitia and J Cuevas (abstract
and pdf copy)
Jounal of Physics A: Math. and Theor. 42:165201 (2009)
- Solitons in quasi one-dimensional Bose-Einstein
condensates with competing dipolar and local interactions
J Cuevas, BA Malomed, PG Kevrekidis and DJ Frantzeskakis (abstract and pdf copy)
Physical Review A 79:053608 (2009)
- Nucleation of breathers via stochastic resonance
in nonlinear lattices
D Cubero, J Cuevas and PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
Physical Review Letters 102:205505 (2009)
- Discrete breathers in a forced-damped array of
coupled pendula: Modeling, Computation and Experiment.
J Cuevas, LQ English, PG Kevrekidis and M Anderson (abstract and pdf copy)
Physical Review Letters 102:224101 (2009)
- Vortex solutions of the discrete Gross-Pitaevskii
J Cuevas, G James, PG Kevrekidis and KJH Law (abstract and pdf copy)
Physica D 238(15):1422-1431 (2009)
- Moving breather collisions in Klein-Gordon chains
of oscillators
A Alvarez, FR Romero, J Cuevas and JFR Archilla
Eur. Phys. J. B 42(4):543-555 (2009), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Interlaced solitons and vortices in coupled DNLS
J Cuevas, QE Hoq, H Susanto and PG Kevrekidis (abstract and pdf copy)
Physica D 238: 2216-2226 (2009)
- Moving Breather Collisions in the Peyrard-Bishop
DNA Model
A Alvarez, J Cuevas, FR Romero and
JFR Archilla
In J Zhou Ed, Complex Sciences, part 1, pp. 411-416, Springer
Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
ISBN: 978-3-642-02465-8 (print) 978-3-642-02466-5 (online), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository).
- Vortex Solutions of the Defocusing Discrete
Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
J Cuevas, G James, PG Kevrekidis and KJH Law (abstract and pdf copy)
AIP Conference Proceedings 1168: 135-138 (2009)
- Lower and upper estimates on the excitation
threshold for breathers in DNLS lattices
J Cuevas, NI Karachalios and F Palmero (abstract
and pdf copy)
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50:112705, (2009)
- Discrete moving breather collisions in a
Klein-Gordon chain of oscillators.
A Alvarez, FR Romero, J Cuevas and JFR Archilla
Phys. Lett. A 372, 1256-1264 (2008), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository).
- Effect of breather existence on reconstructive
transformations in mica muscovite
JFR Archilla, J Cuevas and FR Romero,
M. Tokuyama et al. (eds). Complex Systems: Proceedings of the 5th
International Workshop on Complex Systems, Sendai, Japan, September
25-28, 2007.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 982(1):788-791 (2008), ISBN:
978-0-7354-0501-1, DOI:10.1063/1.2897904 (abstract and
pdf in
us repository).
- A lower bound for the power of periodic solutions
of the defocusing Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger equation
J Cuevas, JC Eilbeck and NI Karachalios (abstract
and pdf copy)
Dynamics of PDE 5 (1), 69-85 (2008)
- Thresholds for breather solutions on the Discrete
Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with saturable and power nonlinearity
J Cuevas, JC Eilbeck and NI Karachalios (abstract
and pdf copy)
Discrete and Continuous Dynamics Systems - Series A 21 (2), 445-475
- Solitons in one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger
lattices with a local inhomogeneity
F Palmero, R Carretero-González, J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis and W
Królikowski (abstract and
pdf copy)
Physical Review E 77, 036614 (2008)
- Travelling Solitary Waves in the Discrete
Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Saturable nonlinearity: Existence,
Stability and Dynamics
TRO Melvin, AR Champneys, PG Kevrekidis and J Cuevas (abstract and pdf copy)
Physica D, 237,(4) 551-567 (2008)
- A neutron scattering study of strong symmetric
hydrogen bonds in potassium and cesium hydrogen bistrifluoroacetates:
Determination of the crystal structures and of the single-well
potentials for protons
F Fillaux, A Cousson, JFR Archilla and J Tomkinson
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 204502 (2008) , (abstract and
pdf in
us repository).
Selected by the Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research
15(11), June 1, 2008.
- Approximation of solitons in the discrete NLS
J Cuevas, G James, PG Kevrekidis, BA Malomed and B Sánchez-Rey (abstract and pdf copy)
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 15, 124-136 (2008)
- Discrete breathers collisions in nonlinear
Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon lattices
J Cuevas, A Alvarez, FR Romero and JFR Archilla (abstract and pdf copy)
Proceeding for the
2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity. Porto,
Portugal, July 28-31, 2008
Editors: J.A. Tenreiro Machado, M.F. Silva, R.S. Barbosa and L.B.
ISBN: 978-972-8688-56-1, (abstract
and pdf in
us repository)
- Two-dimensional discrete solitons in rotating
J Cuevas, BA Malomed and PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev E 76, 046608 (2007)
- Localization and Transport of Charge by
Nonlinearity and Spatial Discreteness in Biomolecules and Semiconductor
Nanorings. Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons
F Palmero, J Cuevas, FR Romero, JC Eilbeck, RA Römer and J Dorignac (abstract and pdf copy)
In SE Lyshevski, Ed., Handbook on Nano- and Molecular
Electronics, pages: 15.1-15.28. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis
Group). ISBN: 0849385288. London 2007.
- Dynamics of the Davydov/Scott monomer in a thermal
bath. Comparison of the full quantum and semiclassical approaches
J Cuevas, PAS Silva, FR Romero and L Cruzeiro (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev E 76, 011907 (2007)
- Discrete breathers for understanding
reconstructive mineral processes at low temperatures
JFR Archilla, J Cuevas, MD Alba, M Naranjo and JM Trillo
J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (47): 24112-24120 (2006), (abstract and
in us repository).
- Breathers in Quantum Lattices
F Palmero (abstract and pdf copy).
With JC Eilbeck.
In P Alberigo, G Erbacci and F Garofalo, Eds. Science and
Supercomputing in Europe (report 2005), pages 758-762.
CINECA, Bologna (Italy), 2006. ISBN 88-86037-17-1
- Radiationless travelling waves in saturable
nonlinear Schrödinger lattices
TRO Melvin, AR Champneys, PG Kevrekidis and J Cuevas (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97:124101 (2006)
- Existence of bound states of a polaron with a
breather in soft potentials
J Cuevas, PG Kevrekidis, DJ Frantzeskakis and AR Bishop (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. B 74:064304 (2006)
Selected by the Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research 12(5)
(Statistical and Nonlinear Physics) September 1, 2006.
- Soliton collisions in a waveguide array with
saturable nonlinearity
J Cuevas and JC Eilbeck
Phys. Lett. A 358:15-20 (2006), (abstract
and pdf copy)
- Breather trapping and breather transmission in a
DNA model with an interface.
A Alvarez, FR Romero, JFR Archilla, J Cuevas and PV Larsen,
Eur. Phys. J. B 51(1):119-130 (2006), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Polaronic charge transport mechanism in DNA
D Hennig and JFR Archilla
In E Starikov, J Lewis and S Tanaka, editors, Modern methods
for theoretical physical chemistry of biopolymers, Chapter
22, pages 429-450. Elsevier, May 2006. ISBN: 0-444-52220-4, (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Overdamped deterministic ratchets driven by
multifrequency forces
D Cubero, J Casado-Pascual, A Alvarez, M Morillo and P Hänggi (abstract and pdf copy)
Acta Physica Polonica B 37(5):1467-1477 (2006)
- Interaction of moving discrete breathers with
J Cuevas, JFR Archilla, B Sánchez-Rey and FR Romero,
Physica D 216(1):115-120 (2006), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Classical and quantum nonlinear localized
excitations in discrete systems
FR Romero, JFR Archilla, F Palmero, B Sánchez-Rey, A Alvarez, J Cuevas
and JM Romero,
In SG Pandalai, editor, Recent Research Developments in
Physics, vol 6, part II, pages 531-570, (2005) (abstract and
in us repository)
Transworld Research
Network, Kerala, India, 2005. ISBN: 81-7895-171-1
- Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton in a finite
width nano-ring
F Palmero, J. Dorignac, JC Eilbeck and RA Römer (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. B 72, 075343 (2005)
Selected by the Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, August 29
- Analytical approach to soliton ratchets in
asymmetric potentials
NR Quintero, B Sánchez-Rey and M Salerno (abstract
and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 72, 016610 (2005)
- Motion of discrete solitons assisted by
nonlinearity management
J Cuevas, BA Malomed and PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 71, 066614 (2005)
- Discrete peakons
A Comech, J Cuevas and PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf copy)
Physica D, 207 (3-4): 137-160 (2005)
- Localization Properties of Electronic States in a
Polaron Model of poly(dG)-poly(dC) and poly(dA)-poly(dT) DNA polymers
H Yamada, EB Starikov, D Hennig and JFR Archilla
Eur. Phys. J. E 17(2):149-154 (2005), (abstract and
in us repository)
- Comment on "Soliton ratchets induced by excitation
of internal modes"
NR Quintero, B Sánchez-Rey and J Casado-Pascual (abstract and pdf copy)
Phys. Rev. E 71, 058601 (2005)
- Exact Dark Waves on the Discrete Nonlinear
Schrödinger Equation
B Sánchez-Rey and M Johansson
Phys. Rev E 71, 036627 (2005),
- Modeling the thermal evolution of enzyme-created
bubbles in DNA
D Hennig, JFR Archilla, JM Romero
Interface 2(2):89-95 (2005), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Effect of the introduction of impurities on the
stability properties of multibreathers at low coupling
J Cuevas, JFR Archilla and FR Romero,
Nonlinearity 18(2):769-790 (2005) (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Moving breathers in bent DNA with realistic
J Cuevas, EB Starikov, JFR Archilla and D Hennig
Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 18(25):1319-1326 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Stretching and relaxation dynamics in double
stranded DNA
D Hennig and JFR Archilla (abstract
and pdf copy)
Physica A 331(3-4): 579-601 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
Selected by The
Virtual Journal Physics of Life,
2004(1), April 2004, section: Nucleic Acids - DNA sequences.
- Multi-site H-bridge breathers in a DNA-shaped
double strand
D Hennig and JFR Archilla
Physica Scripta, 69(2):150-160 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Effect of base-pair inhomogeneities on charge
transport along the DNA molecule, mediated by twist and radial polarons.
F Palmero, JFR Archilla, D Hennig and FR Romero,
New. J. Phys. 6:13.1-13.16 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Energy funneling in a bent chain of Morse
oscillators with long-range coupling
PV Larsen, PL Christiansen, O Bang, JFR Archilla and Yu B Gaididei
Phys. Rev. E 69:026603 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
Selected by the Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research
7(5), March 1, 2004.
- Breather statics and dynamics in Klein-Gordon
chains with a bend.
J Cuevas and PG Kevrekidis (abstract
and pdf in US repository)
Phys. Rev. E 69:056609 (2004)
Selected by the Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research 7(11),
June 1, 2004
- Bright and dark breathers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam
B Sánchez-Rey, G James, J Cuevas and JFR Archilla
Phys. Rev. B 70:014301 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Quantum breathers in an attractive fermionic
Hubbard model
JC Eilbeck and F Palmero (abstract
and pdf copy)
In FK Abdullaev and VV Konotop, editors, Nonlinear Waves:
Classical and Quantum Aspects, Kluwer, Amsterdam, pages
399-412, 2004. ISBN: 1-4020-2188-7.
- Bubble generation in a twisted and bent DNA-like
PV Larsen, PL Christiansen, O Bang, JFR Archilla and Yu B
Phys. Rev. E 70:036609 (2004), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
Selected by theVirtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research
8(7), October 1, 2004
- Trapping in quantum chains
JC Eilbeck and F Palmero (abstract
and pdf copy)
Phys. Lett. A 331(3-4):201-208 (2004)
- Charge transport in poly(dG)-poly(dC) and
poly(dA)-poly(dT) DNA polymers
D Hennig, E Starikov, JFR Archilla and F Palmero
Journal of Biological Physics 30(3): 227-238 (2004), (abstract
and pdf in
us repository)
- Demonstration of the stability or instability of
multibreathers at low coupling.
JFR Archilla, J Cuevas, B Sánchez-Rey and A Alvarez,
Physica D 180(3-4):235-255 (2003), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Nonlinear charge transport mechanism in periodic
and disordered DNA
D Hennig, JFR Archilla and J Agarwal
Physica D 180(3-4):256-272 (2003), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
Selected by The
Virtual Journal Physics of Life,
2003(2), July 2003, section: Nucleic Acids - DNA sequences.
- Charge transport in a nonlinear, three-dimensional
DNA model with disorder
JFR Archilla, D Hennig and J Agarwal,
In L Vázquez, MP Zorzano, RS Mackay, editors. Localization
and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems, pages 153-160.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2003. ISBN
981-238-296-8, (abstract and
pdf in
us repository). https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812704627_0007
- Interaction of moving breathers with an impurity.
J Cuevas, F Palmero, JFR Archilla and FR Romero,
In L Vázquez, MP Zorzano, RS Mackay, editors. Localization
and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems, pages 256-259.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2003. ISBN 981-238-296-8, https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812704627_0021
pdf in
us repository). https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812704627_0021
- Breathers in FPU systems, near and far from the
phonon band.
B Sánchez-Rey, JFR Archilla, G James and J Cuevas,
in L Vázquez, MP Zorzano, RS Mackay, editors. Localization
and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems, pages 342-343.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2003. ISBN 981-238-296-8, (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)). https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812704627_0040
- Influence of moving breathers on vacancies
J Cuevas, C Katerji, JFR Archilla, JC Eilbeck and FM Russell,
Phys. Lett. A 315(5):364-371 (2003), (abstract
pdf in
us repository)
- Interaction of moving localized oscillations with
a local inhomogeneity in nonlinear Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon lattices.
J Cuevas, F Palmero, JFR Archilla and FR Romero (abstract and
pdf in US repository)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 137(1):1406-1411 (2003)
- The Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff equation in 2+1
MS Bruzón, ML Gandarias, C Muriel, J Ramírez, S Saez and FR Romero (abstract and pdf copy)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 137(1):1367-1377 (2003)
- Traveling-wave Solutions of the
Schwarz-Korteweg-de Vries equation in 2+1 dimensions and the
Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equation through symmetry reductions
MS Bruzón, ML Gandarias, C Muriel, J Ramírez and FR Romero (abstract and pdf copy)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 137(1):1378-1389 (2003)
- Moving breathers in a DNA model with competing
short and long range dispersive interactions.
J Cuevas, JFR Archilla, Yu B Gaididei and FR Romero,
Physica D 163:106-126 (2002), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
Selected by The
Virtual Journal Physics of Life,
2002(2), May 2002, section: Nucleic Acids - DNA statics
- Moving breathers in a bent DNA-related model.
J Cuevas, F Palmero, JFR Archilla and FR Romero,
Physics Letters A 299(2-3):221-225 (2002), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Breathers in a system with helicity and dipole
B Sánchez-Rey, JFR Archilla, F Palmero and FR Romero,
Physical Review E 66:017601-017604 (2002), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
Selected by Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research
4(1), July 1, 2002
- Dark breathers in Klein-Gordon lattices. Band
analysis of their stability properties.
A Alvarez, JFR Archilla, J Cuevas and FR Romero,
New J. Phys. 4:72.1-72.19 (2002), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Stationary and moving breathers in a simplified
model of curved alpha--helix proteins.
JFR Archilla, YuB Gaididei, PL Christiansen and J Cuevas,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35:8885-8902 (2002), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Moving discrete breathers in a Klein--Gordon chain
with an impurity.
J Cuevas, F Palmero, JFR Archilla and FR Romero,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35:10519-10530 (2002), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Numerical study of two-dimensional disordered
Klein-Gordon lattices with cubic soft anharmonicity.
J Cuevas, JFR Archilla, F Palmero and FR Romero,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34: L221-L230 (2001), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Numerical study of breathers in a bent chain of
oscillators with long range interaction
JFR Archilla, PL Christiansen, SF Mingaleev and YuB Gaididei
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34: 6363-6373 (2001), (abstract and
pdf in
us repository)
- Interplay of nonlinearity and geometry in a
DNA-related, Klein-Gordon model with long-range, dipole-dipole
JFR Archilla, PL Christiansen, Yu B Gaididei
Phys. Rev. E. 65: 016609 (2001), (