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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Observatorio del Emprendimiento de España (GEM-Spain)
Participating in the Andalusia (regional) and Sevilla & Huelva (local) gEM reports

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research project is an annual assessment of the national level of entrepreneurial activity in multiple, diverse countries. Today the study counts the participation of 115 countries and with longitudinal data dating back more than 20 years.

The continuous expansion of its collaborative role has made GEM data a valuable tool to influence national economic policies and a quality resource trusted by international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), among others.

Spain has been participating from the inception of the GEM project in 2000, publishing the GEM report for Spain.

Additionally, GEM-Spain is unique in that it has been regionalized. All Spanish regions elaborate their own regional GEM report.

GEM-Spain is unique in that it has been regionalized.

You can visit the GEM Spain web page and download our national, regional and local GEM reports here:

The information about GEM Sevilla can be read here:

In the case of Andalusia, this is one of the three original regions which started elaborating their own regional report as soon as in 2003. The GEM Andalusia has been until very recently hosted by University of Cadiz. More recently, the Observatorio del Ecosistema Emprendedor de Andalucía (OEEA) has been created as a non-profit organization to institutionalize and consolidate the regional GEM structure. It must be noted that, since 2018, the GEM Andalucía team has gone one step further to produce local GEM reports for the eight Andalusian provinces.

Several E&I members are involved with GEM. Prof. Francisco Liñán is Technical Director of the OEEA and the GEM Andalusia Report, as well as co-coordinator of the GEM Seville and GEM Huelva teams. Inmaculada Jaén, Ana Domínguez-Quintero and Juan Antonio Martínez-Román are members of the OEEA and one or both these local teams.

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