Problem: Situations or projects in which we need to manage multiple to-do lists, with tasks categorized by its topic.
Motivation: We will use this pattern when we want to focus on the classification of the tasks, regardless its status at each moment. One of the most frequent uses of this pattern is the management of multiple task lists to guide the user in the step by step of a project.
Solution and graphic representation: Each list represents a topic, which is completely independent of the others, without any type of precedence or order between them. Each list will contain the tasks related to its corresponding topic. The resulting board will be similar to many to-do lists, independent of each other, but together in the same board.
Related Patterns:
This pattern is quite similar to “Process Tasks” with the difference that in this second pattern the lists follow an established order, meaningful in the context of the problem, while in “Categorized Tasks”, they represent independent topics (habits and personal areas, in the two examples), without relationship or precedence between them.
In this template we have eight topics in which we clasify the tasks that we have to do for improve each area (we only show five of them in the above image for a better visualization). Topics are completely independent between them, as there isn’t any type of order or precedence between the lists. We can consider this solution as eight independent to-do lists, as for example: “list of tasks that I have to do for developing my skills”, in the case of the first list.
Trello Templates Examples: