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ves. The narratives thataccompanysimulations and articulate theirmeaningare typicallyhistorical or natural historical in kind.Theyexplaincomplexphenomenaby growingthemratherthanby referring themto generallaws.(n.d.).
ble changeinmodesof scientific explanatio(n.d.).
The traditional mode of explanationin physicsvia deductionfrom partialdifferential equationsis contrasted herewithexplanationvia simulatio(n.d.).
all-important roleof technologies in scienc(n.d.).
"whileprogressin scienceand engineering can becatalyzedby entirely new theoretical insights, itis moreoften the casethatrevolutionary advancesspringfromthe arrival on the scene of new technologiesthat allowinvestigatorsto exploreresolvedquestionswithnew tools,or to ask previouslyunapproachable questions"(Tilghman2009).(n.d.).
A starting pointcan be had fromwritings in literarc yriticismthatexplicitlytreat written languageas technolog(n.d.).
ves I aminspired directly bythe recent works of Mary Morgan on the waynarrative functions in the use of models byeconomists (Morgan 2001, 2007). More generally, I have longfollowed theworks ofHans-Jörg Rheinberger, forexample, histhoughts on Historiality, Narration, and Reflection (1997, ch.11): "Experimental systems contain remnants of older narratives aswell as shreds and traces of narratives that havenotyetbeenrelated" (p.186). Theyare "generators ofepistemic novelty" (p.229(n.d.).
writingmay be said to provideour mostpervasive "technologo yf distance" in space and tim(n.d.).
Theautonomyofwritten languageis also crucial toitsroleas a vehicle of critical reflection and creative imagination.(n.d.).
relationbetweenthesetwo features throug t hhe role of narra(n.d.).
technologiesof knowledgeas languagesthatsupportparticular formsof explanatoryandarrative(n.d.).
"The materialisedrealisationof languagein writingis the conditionthat allows fortheautonomization of literature" (Berman2007,p.64).2(n.d.).
I will add mathematical languagesto this assessmen(n.d.).
Theircreative function reflects inpart,Iwillargue,thecapacitytosupport narratives ofparticular kindsabouttheobjectsof scienc(n.d.).
We caneasilygeneratean instructive examplefor heatconductio(n.d.).
arguing against(n.d.).
thewritten equation,givesa materialised and objectifier depresentation of ourthinking about theproblemof heat conducti(n.d.).
The ubiquityof PDE's in physicsis reflected in thestandardized toolboxesof mathematical techniqu(n.d.).
intuition is essential to anycreativeuse of the toolbox. Typically, itrelatesthephysicalproblemto a PDEthrouga h storyabouta pieceof theworld.It is this relation ofstorytomathematical structure that interests mehere (Morgan2001, 2007).(n.d.).
, we do not have to start out,as Fourier did,by(n.d.).
thatphysicalexplanationsshouldreduceto microscopii cnteractio(n.d.).
althoughwe do needto havea similar background storyat han(n.d.).





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