we improve our planet

“If you can see, look. If you can look, observe”

"Se puderes olhar, vê. Se podes ver, repara". José Saramago, Ensayo sobre la ceguera, 1995

Over the curse of the past two decades, European Union countries have transformed their energy policies promoting renewable energies towards a low-carbon economy. This transition must tackle a set of challenges not only in the technological and policy-implementation field, but also in the Social Sciences.


TERRYER project studies the relationship between population and renewable energies in the Iberian Peninsula. Its objective is to expand the scientific knowledge on the territorial implementation of renewable energies, based on the analysis of the degree of reversibility of this process and the development of new strategies involving the population in this new model. Results aim to overcome barriers to the successful implementation of a sustainable energetic model thanks to the advocacy and promotion of renewable energies landscapes. TERRYER is going to enhance the visibility of relationships between territory and renewable energies favouring the welcoming appreciation of the population towards renewable energies.


Project Data

Reference: CS02017-84986
Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021


European Social Sciences Lab
International Centre – University of Seville
Avda Ciudad Jardín 20-22, first floor. 41005 - SEVILLA (España)