
The cases of the M12M in Portugal and the Movimiento 15M in Spain show that social movements that have emerged in the context of the economic crisis – defined in the project as Recent global social movements– are calling for real participation in real democracies and are having a considerable impact on the EU, above all in Southern Europe. Impacts include (new technopolitical-based organizations, movements and parties, which change the traditional linkages between technology and politics), experienced as citizen labs.
The technopolitical praxis of the social movements that have emerged in different parts of the world since 2011 against the background of the global crisis represent a new global civic culture. These collective expressions are represented in Portugal and Spain by Geração à rasca; Que se Lixe a Troika! Queremos as nossas Vidas; Rise UP Portugal; Movimiento 15M; Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH – Platform for those Affected by the Subprime Mortgage Crisis) and ¡Democracia Real YA! Amor others experiences, which constitutes new methods and a new and innovative democratic pedagogy.