US diplomacy and the North African "War of the Sands" (1963)

La arabista Ana Torres García publica un nuevo artículo titulado "US diplomacy and the North African "War of the Sands" (1963) en la revista The Journal of North African Studies donde analiza diversos aspectos del conflicto argelo-marroquí conocido como "Guerra de las Arenas" que tuvo lugar en 1963. Os dejamos a continuación el abstract del artículo:
King Hassan II of Morocco (1961–1999) redirected his country's foreign policy from a neutralist stance opted for by his father, Muhammad V (1956–1961), towards a definite pro-Western orientation. To study the evolution of Hassan II's early years of foreign policy and his relations with the USA, this article analyses the role played by the Kennedy administration during the Algerian–Moroccan conflict of 1963 known as the ‘War of the Sands’. It explains the objectives and the limitations of the US foreign policy-making process towards this border war based upon diplomatic documentation from the American, British, French, and Spanish governments. First, it examines the approach of the government of the USA as it became concerned about the internationalisation of the conflict – the war received special attention from the White House as soon as it became connected with Middle East events through the presence in Algerian territory of Egyptian military personnel sent by Gamal Abdel Nasser, and with Latin America via the military assistance provided by Cuba. Second, this work's findings prove that the USA did not become directly involved despite Morocco's requests. Rather, it pressed for a mediated solution.
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