Congresos últimos 10 años

Calama-González, C.M., León-Rodríguez, A.L., Suárez Medina, R. (2021,29-30,07). Energy and Typological Building Characterization of the Social Housing Stock in Southern Spain

CONGRESO: International Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production IEECP'21


CIUDAD: Silicon Valley (USA)


Retrofitting buildings is key for meeting 2030 and 2050 energy efficiency targets, especially for existing residential buildings, which are expected to become a large proportion of the future stock. Prior to promoting energy saving measures, an extensive analysis of the current performance of the stock should be tackled. Thus, building characterization though a statistical approach is a necessary step in order to assess this stock under real variability conditions, instead of considering average fixed values, which has commonly been the approach taken so far. This research statistically analyses the most predominant variability ranges of the residential building stock of southern Spain (Andalusian region), focusing on the H-block, for its building characterization. Results are collected from an extensive database containing information on almost 39,500 dwellings. Conclusions reported may be later implemented intobottom-up building stock modelling approaches for creating real case archetypes to analyze the performance of the stock and provide useful information for policy makers.

ENLACE WEB: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14810292

Universidad de Sevilla | Grupo de Investigación TEP 130 |
Avda. R. Mercedes 2, 41012 Sevilla | | +34 9545 56595
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