Congresos últimos 10 años

Bueno, A.M.; León, A.L.; Galindo, M. (2012, 1 de octubre). Iglesia de Santa Ana de Moratalaz. Propuesta de rehabilitación acústica.

CONGRESO: Proc. of VIII Congreso Ibero-americano de Acústica; VI Congreso Ibérico de Acústica. Acustica 2012. Actas de XLIII Congreso Español de Acústica.


CIUDAD: Évora (Portugal)

Based on current acoustic conditions of the church, obtained from in situ measurements of the sound field, in this paper an acoustic rehabilitation is proposed, in order to improve its acoustic performance. This proposal of intervention consists of two phases: the first step performs a set of actions that succeed in reducing the current high reverberation times, to match those considered optimal for uses of speech and religious music. And the second step, given the importance of speech intelligibility in the enclosure, as assessed by STI index, proposes a public address system (electroacoustic support), to improve its intelligibility. To check the suitability of the proposed remedial, these measures are incorporated into a three-dimensional geometric model and prior to the acoustic simulations of the sound field. The results of the main acoustic are analysed and compared with the results of the measurements carried out in situ, and with the simulations of the current state.

Universidad de Sevilla | Grupo de Investigación TEP 130 |
Avda. R. Mercedes 2, 41012 Sevilla | | +34 9545 56595
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