Congresos últimos 10 años

Alonso, A.; Suárez, R.; Sendra, J.J.; Álvarez, L. (2012,1-3, Octubre). La acústica del crucero de la catedral de Sevilla en las grandes celebraciones.

CONGRESO: Proc. of Acustica (VIII Congreso Ibero-americano de Acœstica, XLIII Congreso Español de Acústica- Tecniacústica)


CIUDAD: Évora (Portugal)

The Cathedral of Seville, whose Spanish typology was exported to Latin America, is the most valued example of the city's cultural heritage. With the daily practice of the liturgy, the building is mainly used for worship and prayer, occasionally combining this with the celebration of major ceremonies, such as religious festivities and concerts, organized for a large audience. Spatially, the Cathedral is organized in the so-called "Spanish style" with the choir located in the middle of the nave, dividing it into two spaces, leading to a lack of visibility and depth for accommodating the public. Hence, a new spatial configuration of the cathedral transept was adopted and significantly increased audience capacity for such ceremonies.
In this paper, an acoustic assessment of the adaptation of the transept is performed, based on the analysis of simulation of the acoustic models generated. These had been previously calibrated after in-situ measurements, corresponding to the usual spatial organization and location of the audience.


Universidad de Sevilla | Grupo de Investigación TEP 130 |
Avda. R. Mercedes 2, 41012 Sevilla | | +34 9545 56595
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