PUBLICACIONES últimos 10 años

Bellver-Cebreros, C.; Rodríguez-Danta, M. (2016) Geometrical connection between catacaustics and kinematics of planar motion of a rigid solid.

REVISTA: Journal of the Optical Society of America A 33(9), 1778-1784.
IMPACTO: JCR (2015): 1,457. OPTICS. Q3 (51/90)
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.33.001778

Unnoticed and hidden optomechanical analogies between kinematics of planar motion of a rigid solid and catacaustics generated by mirror reflection on smooth profiles in geometrical optics are discussed. A concise and self-consistent theory is developed, which intends to explain and clarify many partial aspects covered by the literature.

Universidad de Sevilla | Grupo de Investigación TEP 130 |
Avda. R. Mercedes 2, 41012 Sevilla | | +34 9545 56595
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