PUBLICACIONES últimos 10 años

Álvarez-Morales, L.; Girón, S.; Galindo, M.; Zamarreño, T; Cibrián, R. M. (2016). Acoustic characterisation by using different room acoustics software tools: a comparative study.

REVISTA: Acta Acustica United with Acustica 102(3),578-591.
IMPACTO: 0,897 JCR (2015):ACOUSTICS Q3 (18/32)
DOI: org/10.3813/AAA.918975


This paper presents a study of the differences in the results obtained from the use of four commercial software tools widely used in room acoustics. Comparisons are drawn up from the RIRs measured with
each tool under the same conditions. To this end, the main room acoustic parameters defined in the ISO 3382-1 are calculated. For each parameter. the differences between both the spatially averaged value in octave bands andthe spectral average at each receiver point are studied. Furthemore, a more detailed study is carried out to evaluate these differences point-by-point in statistical terms. In order to assess the importance of the differences found, the Just Noticeable Difference (JND) is taken as a reference.

A comparison of acoustic parameters obtained with 4 commercial software tools is performed.
A Repeatability analysis of each measuring system is performed.
An Individual analysis determines if all the tools measure and process the RIRs in the same way.
A Crossed analysis ensures their interchangeability for the analysis of previously measured RIRs.

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