Aportaciones a Congresos (últimos 5 años)
"On the location of separating hyperplanes with lp-norms margins", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel. VIII International Workshop On Locational Analysis And Related Problems. Segovia, España. 2017
"A fresh view on k-sum optimization and the Discrete Ordered Median Problem", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. First AIROYoung Workshop. Roma, Italia. 2017
"A GRASP heuristic for the Discrete Ordered Median Problem: how to exploit it into an exact method", Deleplanque, Samuel ; Labbé, Martine; Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. 31st annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society. KU Leuven (Bruselas, Bélgica). 2017
"The DOMP revisited: new formulations, properties and algorithms", Labbé, Martine; Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Computer Science Seminars. Université Libre de Bruxelles. 2017
: "On minimum spanning trees with norm- based neighborhoods", Blanco, Victor; Fernández, Elena; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile. 2016
"Un modelo de programación matemática para la optimización de líneas de metro", Blanco, Victor; Conde-Sanchez, Eduardo; Hinojosa-Bergillos, Yolanda; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile. 2016
"Clustering data that are graph connected", Benati, Stefano; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel. XXIII EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, VII International Workshop on Loca- tional Analysis and Related Problems. Málaga, España. 2016
"MINLP Approaches for Minimum Spanning Trees with Neighborhoods", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Fernández, Elena. XXIII Euro Working Group on Locational Analysis. Málaga, España. 2016
"A fresh view on the Discrete Ordered Median Problem: new formulations and lower bounds", Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. XXIII EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, VII International Workshop on Loca- tional Analysis and Related Problems. Málaga, España. 2016
"Set formulations for the Monotone Discrete Ordered Median Problem", Labbé, Martine; Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. XXIII EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, VII International Workshop on Loca- tional Analysis and Related Problems. Málaga, España. 2016
"Convex Ordered Median Problem", Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. VI International Workshop on Locational analysis and related problems. Barcelona, España. 2015
"Convex Ordered Median Problem", Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. VI International Workshop on Locational analysis and related problems. Barcelona, España. 2015
"On k-centrum optimization with applications to the location of extensive facilities on graphs and the like", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel; Tamir, Arie. VI Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems. Barcelona, España. 2015
"On k-centrum optimization with applications", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. VI Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems. Barcelona, España. 2015
"Optimization problems in multiple regression", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Oberwolfach Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming 2015. Oberwolfech, Alemania. 2015
"Multiple linear regression: a linear theory approach", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Combinatorial optimization, routing and location 2015. 2015
"Alternative Methods in Linear Regression", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Salmerón-Gómez, Román. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. USA. 2015
"Continuous location under the effect of refraction", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. USA. 2015
"A location-based approach to linear regression", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Salmerón-Gómez, Román. Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pamplona, España. 2015
"Capacitated ordered median location problems", Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Sanchez-Gil, Maria Carmen. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa IX Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pamplona, España. 2015
"On k-centrum with applications to extensive location problems", Puerto-Albandoz. Euro working Group of Locational Analysis 2015. Budapest, Hungría. 2015
"Nuevos enfoques del problema discreto de la mediana ordenada", Labbé, Martine; Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Congreso bienal RSME 2015. Granada, España. 2015
"Localización Continua: Momentos, Sumas de Cuadrados y Programación Semidefinida",Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Congreso bienal RSME 2015. Granada, España. 2015
"SOCP formulations for continuous location under Refraction", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. 2015 INFORMS MEETING. California, California, San Francisco, USA. 2014
"On continuous location with region-dependent lp distances", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ponce-López, Diego. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems. Sevilla, España. 2014
"Capacitated Ordered Median Location Problems", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel; Sanchez-Gil, Maria Carmen. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems. Sevilla, España. 2014
"Continuous Multifacility Ordered Median Location Problems", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. Barcelona, España. 2014
": Optimal timetables and vehicle schedules in a transit network", Ortega-Riejos, Francisco; Laporte-, Gilbert; Pozo, Miguel A.; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. XI Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte . Santander, España. 2014
"The Ordered Median Tree of Hubs Location Problem", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ramos-Gallego, Ana Belén; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel. International Symposium on Locatio- nal Decision. ISOLDE 2014. Nápoles, Italia. 2014
"Modelling and Planning Public Cultural Schedules for Efficient Use of Resources: Application to Andalusia ", Ortega-Riejos, Francisco; Pozo, Miguel A.; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. International Symposium on Locatio- nal Decision. ISOLDE 2014. Nápoles, Italia. 2014
"New approaches [or the Discrete Ordered Median Problem",Labbé, Martine; Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. International Symposium on Locatio- nal Decision. ISOLDE 2014. Nápoles, Italia. 2014
"Continuous Location under Refraction", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ponce-López, Diego. International Symposium on Locatio- nal Decision. ISOLDE 2014. Nápoles, Italia. 2014
"A Unifffied Approach for Solving Continuous Multifacility Ordered Median Location Problems", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. SIAM Conference on Optimization. California, California, San Francisco, USA. 2014
"Nuevos enfoques del problema discreto de la mediana ordenada", Labbé, Martine; Ponce-López, Diego; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. seminario y reunión de coordinación del Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía FQM-5849. Jerez de la Frontera, España. 2014
"Rescheduling railway timetables in presence of passenger transfers between lines within a transportation Network", Mesa-Lopez-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Ortega-Riejos, Francisco; Pozo, Miguel A.; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. IV Encuentro de Trabajo del Grupo de Investigación "Nuevos Desafíos de la Matemática Combinatoria". Córdoba, España. 2013
"Curso de Optimización para la Gestión Empresarial", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. IV Convocatoria para la realización de actividades de formación docente en centros, titulaciones y departamentos. España. 2013
"An unified approach for continuous l_p ordered median single_facility location problems", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Blanco-izquierdo, Blanco; Elhaj Benali, Safae. XXXIV Congreso nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. VIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Castellón, España. 2013
"A semidefinite programming approach for solving multiobjective linera programming",Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Blanco, Víctor. XXXIV Congreso nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. VIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Castellón, España. 2013
"Single-allocation, ordered median, hub location problems with capacity constraints",Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel; Sanchez-Gil, Maria Carmen. XXXIV Congreso nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. VIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Castellón, España. 2013
"An unified approach for continuous lp ordered median single-facility location problems", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. IV Convocatoria para la realización de actividades de formación docente en centros, titulaciones y departamentos. España. 2013
"Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa",Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Castellón, España. 2013
"Location Theory: A tour of perspective", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. XVII Escuela Latino-Iberoamericana de Verano en Investigación Operativa. Valencia, España. 2013
"Rescheduling railway timetables in presence of passenger transfers between lines within a transportation network ", Mesa-Lopez-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Ortega-Riejos, Francisco; Pozo, Miguel A.; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. 16th annual meeting of Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2013). Oporto, Portugal. 2013
"An interior point-based method to solve multiobjective linear programs", Blanco, Victor; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. 26th European conference on operational research. Roma, Italia. 2013
"A Geometric Approach for Rescheduling a Railway Transportation Network in the Presence", Mesa-Lopez-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Ortega-Riejos, Francisco; Pozo, Miguel A.; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Mathematics of Operations and Logistics Conference (MOLC 2013). Zaragoza, España. 2013
"Rescheduling Railway Timetables In Presence Of Passenger Transfers In Transportation Networks",Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Mesa-Lopez-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Ortega-Riejos, Francisco; Pozo, Miguel A. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems - X Anniversary of the Spanish Location Network. Torremolinos, España. 2013
"Flexible Hub Location Problems with Capacity Constraints", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel; Sanchez-Gil, Maria Carmen. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems - X Anniversary of the Spanish Location Network. Torremolinos, España. 2013
"Some problems on locating a single facility on the plane and a rapid subtree on a tree network",López-de-los-Mozos Martín, Maria Cruz; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems - X Anniversary of the Spanish Location Network. Torremolinos, España. 2013
"Variable Neighbourhood Search For Discrete Ordered Median Hubs Locating Problems", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Pérez -brito, Dionision. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems - X Anniversary of the Spanish Location Network. Torremolinos, España. 2013
"Incorporating users' point of views in the design of hub-and-spoke networks", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. Tristan VIII. San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. 2013
"Math programming and game theoretic approaches for the design of robust railway networks: Towards smarter frameworks", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. LUISS University of Rome, Italia. 2013
"Reliability path-shaped facility location on networks", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. International Workshop on Network models in statistics, economics and social. Trento, Italia. 2012
"Algebraic tools for nonlinear integer programming problems 1: Getting started", Castro-Jiménez, Francisco Jesús; Gago-Vargas, Manuel Jesus; Hartillo-Hermoso, Maria Isabel; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ucha-Enriquez, Jose Maria. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (21st). Berlín, Alemania. 2012
"Algebraic tools for nonlinear integer programming problems 2: Applications", Castro-Jiménez, Francisco Jesús; Gago-Vargas, Manuel Jesus; Hartillo-Hermoso, Maria Isabel; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ucha-Enriquez, Jose Maria. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (21st). Berlín, Alemania. 2012
"Ordered weighted average optimization of combinatorial problems", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. ISMP 2012, economics and social. Berlín, Alemania. 2012
"Continuous Locationproblems With Lp Norms Revisited", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Blanco-Izquierdo, Victor; El Haj-benali, Safae. International Symposium On Locational Decisions XII. Nagoya, Japón. 2012
"Single Allocation Capacitated Ordered Median Hub Location Models",Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ramos-Gallego, Ana Belén; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel. Single Allocation Ca- pacitated Ordered Median Hub Location Models. Vilnius, Lituania. 2012
"Un enfoque geométrico para la reprogramación de horarios de transporte ferroviario en presencia de transbordos en el sistema", Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. X Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2012). Granada, España. 2012
"The reliable p-median problem with at facility service",Puerto-Albandoz, Justo; Ramos-Gallego, Ana Belén; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel. 25th European Conference on Operational Research. Vilnius, Lituania. 2012
"Localizaci on multiobjetivo-multifacilidad en grafos", Kalcsics, Jörg; Pozo, Miguel A.; Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio Manuel; Nickel, Stefan; Puerto-Albandoz, Justo. SEIO2012 XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa a VII Jornadas de Estadística Pública. España. 2012