Fecha / Date: 13-10-2010.
Hora / Time: 9:00 h.
Lugar / Location: Seminario de Lógica del Dpto. de Filosofía y Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia - Universidad de Sevilla.
Ponente / Lecturer: Thomas Ågotnes, University of Berge, Norway. (website)
Título / Tittle: Group Announcement Logic.
Resumen / Abstract:
Group announcement logic (GAL) is an extension of public announcement logic with constructs (well known from coalition logic) of the form phi, where G is a group of agents. In GAL, the meaning of phi is that there exists an announcement that the members of G can jointly and truthfully make, and after that announcement is made public phi will be true. GAL can be seen as a variant of arbitrary public announcement logic (APAL), where the quantification is restricted to formulae actually known by the members of G. I will discuss how GAL can be used to express properties such as "there is a sequence of truthful public announcements by agents in G, after which phi is true", and the distinction between "agent i knows *that* phi can be achieved by a public announcement" and "agent i knows *how* phi can be achieved by a public announcement". Depending on the available time, I will also discuss axiomatisation, expressivity and the complexity of the model checking problem. The talk is based on joint work with Philippe Balbiani, Hans van Ditmarsch and Pablo Seban.
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