Fecha / Date: 28-04-2010.
Hora / Time: 18:00 h.
Lugar / Location: Seminario del módulo H1 del Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática - Universidad de Sevilla.
Ponente / Lecturer: João Marcos. LoLITA and DIMAp, UFRN / Brazil & Theory and Logic Group, Institut für Computersprachen, TU-Wien / Austria.
Título / Tittle: A uniform classic-like analytic deductive formalism for finite-valued logics.
Organizado por / Organized by: Grupo de Lógica, Lenguaje e Información; Proyecto Lógica de Protocolos Incondicionalmente Seguros; y Grupo de Computación Natural.
Resumen / Abstract:
A constructive procedure is proposed that takes as input the semantic definition of a finite-valued truth-functional propositional logic and delivers as output an adequate proof system for it. The proof system is uniform in that it is based on a homogeneous framework, allowing for the representation of each finite-valued logic with the help of the very same meta-language. The framework can also be said to be classic-like for it explores the underlying bivalence that underlies the separation of truth-values into the `true' ones and the `false' ones. Finally, the proof formalism of choice, here, is that of tableau systems, coupled with a convenient proof strategy that guarantees analyticity, so that the construction of the corresponding tableaux always terminates, either by producing proofs or by giving rise to counter-models.
The talk reports on on-going investigations with Carlos Caleiro (IST / Portugal) and other collaborators.