José María Soriano Arbizu
Artículos/preprints publicados:
1. Shared Value in a Finite-Dimensional Banach Manifold,
Acta Mathematicae Scientia, , , 2010.
José María Soriano.
2. Weakly Coercive Mappings Sharing a Value,
Czehoslovak Mathematical Journal, , , 2010.
José María Soriano.
3. Compact Embeddings and Proper Mappings,
Nonlinear Analysis-Thery Methods and Applications, , , 2010.
José María Soriano.
4. Shared Value in a Finite-Dimensional banach Manifold,
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 30B, 1687-1695, 2010.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
5. Continuous Embeddings and Continuation Methods,
Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods and Applications, 70, 4118-4121, 2009.
José María Soriano.
6. A Fredholm Mapping of Index Zero,
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 45, 527-535, 2008.
José María Soriano.
7. Fredholm Mappings and Banach Manifold,
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, , , 2008.
José María Soriano.
8. Continuation Methods and the Newton-Kantorowhich Theorem,
Transaction on Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Models, 1, 67-75, 2008.
José María Soriano.
9. Near Periodicity and Zhukovski Stability,
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 73, 253-263, 2008.
José María Soriano, Changming Ding, Fhen Jin.
10. Continuation Methods in Banach Manifold,
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 38, 67-80, 2007.
José María Soriano.
11. A Lower Bound of Stable Stationary Trajectories,
Acta Matematica Scientia, 27, 535-540, 2007.
J. M. Soriano and C.Ding.
12. Existence and Computation of Zeros of Perturbed Mappings,
Applied Mathematics and Computation , 173, 457-467, 2006.
José María Soriano.
13. A Regular Value of a Compact Deformation,
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 27, 1265-1274, 2006.
José María Soriano.
14. Stable and unstable stationary trajectories,
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics English Edition, 26, 52-57, 2005.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Changming Ding.
15. Uniformly asymptotically Zhukovskij stable orbits,
Computers and Mathematics with applications, 49, 81-84, 2005.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Changming Ding.
16. Uniqueness of escape trajectories for N-body problem of classical electrodynamics,
Mathematical Science Research Journal, 8, 184-195, 2004.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Vasil G. Angelov.
17. A stable solution,
Applied Mathematics and Computations, 140, 223-229, 2003.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
18. A zero proper mappings,
Fixed Point Theory, 4, 97-104, 2003.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Vasil G. Angelov.
19. A second zero of a function,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 133, 245-255, 2002.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
20. On the existence of zero points of a continuous function,
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 22, 171-177, 2002.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
21. Mappings sharing a value of finite-dimensional spaces,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 121, 391-396, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
22. A compactness condition,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 124, 397-402, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
23. Fredholm and compact mappings sharing a value,
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics English Edition , 22, 682-686, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
24. Open trajectories,
Applied Mathematics and computation, 124, 235-240, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
25. Compact Mapping and Proper Mapping between Banach Spaces,
Matemática Balkanica, 14, 161-166, 2000.
José María Soriano.
26. Zeros of Compact Perturbations of Proper Mappings,
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 7, 31-37, 2000.
José María Soriano.
27. Existence of Zeros for Bounded Perturbations of Proper Mappings,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 99, 255-259, 1999.
José María Soriano.
28. On the Bezout Theorem,
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 4, 59-66, 1997.
José María Soriano.
29. On the Number of Zeros of a Mapping,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 38, 287-291, 1997.
José María Soriano.
30. On the Existence of Zero Points,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 79, 99-104, 1996.
José María Soriano.
31. On the Bezout Theorem Real Case,
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 2, 59-66, 1995.
José María Soriano.
32. Extremum Points of a Convex Function,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 66, 261-266, 1994.
José María Soriano.
33. Global Minimum Point of a Convex Function ,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 55, 213-218, 1993.
José María Soriano.
34. Global Minimum Point of a Convex Function,
Extracta Matematicae, 7, , 1992.
José María Soriano.
35. A Special Type of Triangulation In numerical Nonlinear Analysis,
Extracta Mathematica, 8, 20-23, 1991.
José María Soriano.
36. A Special Type of Triangulation In Numerical Nonlinear Analysis,
Collectanea mathematicae, 41, 45-58, 1990.
José María Soriano.
37. Sobre la Existencia y el Cálculo de Ceros de Funciones Regulares,
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 82, 523-531, 1988.
Jose María Soriano.