Lista de publicaciones del Grupo de Análsis No Lineal
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Artículos/preprints publicados por miembros del Grupo de Análsis No Lineal
1. Shared Value in a Finite-Dimensional Banach Manifold,
Acta Mathematicae Scientia, , , 2010.
José María Soriano.
2. Weakly Coercive Mappings Sharing a Value,
Czehoslovak Mathematical Journal, , , 2010.
José María Soriano.
3. Compact Embeddings and Proper Mappings,
Nonlinear Analysis-Thery Methods and Applications, , , 2010.
José María Soriano.
4. Shared Value in a Finite-Dimensional banach Manifold,
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 30B, 1687-1695, 2010.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
5. L1-convergence for weighted sums of some dependent random variables,
Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 28, 928-936, 2010.
Pingyan Chen, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
6. ,
, , , 2010.
7. The fixed point property under renorming in some classes of Banach spaces,
Nonlinear Anal. , 72, 1409-1416, 2010.
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T. Dominguez Benavides; S. Phothi.
8. The Szlenk index and the fixed point property under renorming,
Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2010, Art. ID 268270, , 2010.
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T. Domínguez Benavides.
9. Does Kirk's theorem hold for multivalued nonexpansive mappings? ,
Fixed Point Theory Appl. , Art. ID 546761, , 2010.
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T. Domínguez Benavides; B. Aguilar.
10. Continuous Embeddings and Continuation Methods,
Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods and Applications, 70, 4118-4121, 2009.
José María Soriano.
11. CAT(k)-spaces, weak convergence and fixed points,
Aceptado en Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, , , 2009.
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Rafa Espínola, Aurora Fernández-León.
12. ,
, , , 2009.
13. On Cantrell-Rosalsky's strong laws of large numbers,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 79, 842-847, 2009.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
14. A renorming for nonseparable Banach spaces with the fixed point property,
J.Math. Anal. appl. , 350, 525-530, 2009.
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T. Domínguez Benavides.
15. Fixed point proerties and proximinality in Banach spaces,
Nonlinear Anal., 71, 1562-1571, 2009.
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T. Dominguez Benavides; J. García-Falset, E. Llorens-Fuster; P. Lorenzo.
16. A new approach to relatively nonexpansive mappings,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136, 1987-1995, 2008.
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Rafael Espínola.
17. Strongly Convergent Approximations to FixedPoints of Total Asymptotically Nonexpansive,
Acta Matematica Sinica (English Series), 24, 1005-1022, 2008.
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Yakov Alber, Rafael Espínola, Pepa Lorenzo.
18. Nonlinear weighted best simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces ,
J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 337, 110-118, 2008.
G. López, Ch. Li and X. Luo .
19. Holomorphic operators generating dense images,
Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 60, 1--11, 2008.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y José Antonio Prado Bassas.
20. A Fredholm Mapping of Index Zero,
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 45, 527-535, 2008.
José María Soriano.
21. Lineability of sets of nowhere analytic functions,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 340, 1284--1295, 2008.
Luis Bernal González
22. Dense-lineability in spaces of continuous functions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 136, 3163--3169, 2008.
Luis Bernal González.
23. Some geometric conditions which imply the fixed point property for multivalued nonexpansive mappings,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 339, 680-690, 2008.
B. Gavira.
24. Large linear manifolds of non-continuable
boundary-regular holomorphic functions,
Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 341, 337--345, 2008.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y Wolfgang Luh.
25. Maximal cluster sets on spaces of holomorphic functions,
Analysis (Munich), 28, 283--298, 2008.
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Prado-Bassas, José Antonio.
26. Fredholm Mappings and Banach Manifold,
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, , , 2008.
José María Soriano.
27. Continuation Methods and the Newton-Kantorowhich Theorem,
Transaction on Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Models, 1, 67-75, 2008.
José María Soriano.
28. Near Periodicity and Zhukovski Stability,
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 73, 253-263, 2008.
José María Soriano, Changming Ding, Fhen Jin.
29. Cyclicity of coefficient multipliers: Linearstructure,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 114, 287-300, 2007.
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Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y José Antonio Prado Bassas.
30. Existence and non-existence of hypercyclicsemigroups,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 135, 755--766, 2007.
Luis Bernal González y Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann.
31. Maximal cluster sets of L-analytic functions onarbitrary curves,
Constructive Approximation, 25, 211--219, 2007.
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Luis Bernal González, Antonio Bonilla, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y José Antonio Prado Bassas.
32. Compositional hypercyclicity equals supercyclicity,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 33, 581--591, 2007.
Luis Bernal González, Antonio Bonilla y María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
33. Continuation Methods in Banach Manifold,
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 38, 67-80, 2007.
José María Soriano.
34. Cartesian product of multivalued operators,
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications (, 12, 563-575, 2007.
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Rafael Espínola, Genaro López, Adrian Petrusel.
35. The fixed point property for multivalued non-expansive mappings,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 328, 1471-1483, 2007.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Beatriz Gavira Aguilar.
36. Iterative methods for strict-pseudocontractions in Hilbert spaces ,
Nonlinear Analysis TMA , 67, 2258-2271, 2007.
G. López and H.K.Xu .
37. Best simultaneous approximation to totally bounded sequence ,
Aceptado en Acta Math. Sinica, , , 2007.
G. López, Ch. Li and X. Luo .
J. Korean Math. Soc., 44, 467-476, 2007.
Soo Hak Sung, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, and Tien-Chung Hu.
39. Disjoint hypercyclic operators,
Studia Mathematica, 182, 113-131, 2007.
Luis Bernal González.
40. Second dual projection characterizations of three classes of $L_0$-closed, convex bounded sets in $L_1$.,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 342, 1-16, 2007.
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Maria Ángeles Japón Pineda, C. Lennard.
41. A remark on the Generalized Banach Contraction Principle,
Preprint, , , 2007.
Maria Ángeles Japón Pineda.
42. On a type of generalized nonexpansiveness,
Preprint, , , 2007.
K. Goebel, Maria Ángeles Japón Pineda.
43. A Lower Bound of Stable Stationary Trajectories,
Acta Matematica Scientia, 27, 535-540, 2007.
J. M. Soriano and C.Ding.
44. Convergence rate of the dependent bootstrapped means,
Theory of Probability and its Applications, 50, 337-346, 2006.
Volodin, A.; Ordóñez Cabrera, M.; Hu, T.C..
45. On generic well-posedness of restrictedChebyshev center problems in Banach space,
Acta Mathematica Sinica, 22, 741-750, 2006.
Li,Ch. ;López G..
46. Universal matrix transforms of holomorphic functions,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 32, 315--324, 2006.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y Wolfgang Luh.
47. Hypercyclic subspaces in Fréchet spaces,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 134, 1955--1961, 2006.
Luis Bernal González.
48. Linear structure of weighted holomorphicnon-extendibility,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 73, 335--344, 2006.
Luis Bernal González.
49. The Jordan-von Neumann Constant and fixed points for multivalued nonexpansive mappings,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 320, 916-927, 2006.
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S. Dhompongsa, T. Domínguez Benavides, A. Kaewcharoen, A. Kaewkhao, B. Panyanak.
50. Fixed point theorems for multivalued nonexpansive mappings in modular function spaces,
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae , 63, 161-169, 2006.
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S. Dhompongsa, T. Domínguez Benavides, A. Kaewcharoen, B. Panyanak.
51. Convergence of randomly weighted sums of Banach space valued random elements under some conditions of uniform integrability,
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 138, 5450-5459, 2006.
Ordóñez Cabrera, M.; Volodin, A.
52. Almost sure lim sup behavior of dependent bootstrap means,
Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 24, 939-952, 2006.
Hu, T.C.; Ordóñez Cabrera, M.; Volodin, A..
53. Fixed point theorems in $R$-trees with applications to graph theory,
Topology and its applications, 153, 1046-1055, 2006.
Rafa Espínola, William A. Kirk.
54. A regularization method for the proximal point algorithm,
J. Global optim., 36, 115-125, 2006.
55. Convergence for the CQ method for fixed point iteration processes,
Nonlinear Anal., 64, 2400-2411, 2006.
Martinez-Yanes, Carlos; Xu, HongKun.
56. A general iterative method for nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 318, 43-52, 2006.
Marion, Giuseppe; Xu,HongKun.
57. Strong convergence of modified iteration for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and semigroups.,
Nonlinear Anal., 64, 1140-1152, 2006.
Kim, Tae-Hwa; Xu,HongKun.
58. A strong convergence theorem for contraction semigroups in banach spaces,
Bull. Austr. Math. Soc., 72, 371-379, 2006.
59. Strong convergence of an iterative method for nonexpansive mappings and accretive operators,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 314, 631-643, 2006.
60. Convergence of modified Mann iterations,
Nonlinear Anal., 61, 51-60, 2006.
Kim,Tae-Hwa ;Xu,HongKun.
61. Iterative approaches to convex minimization problems,
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 25, 531-546, 2006.
O´Hara,Jonh; Pillay, Paranjothi;Xu,HongKun.
62. Interpolation by tamed entire functions,
Mathematica Balkanica (N.S.), 20, 161--166, 2006.
Luis Bernal González.
63. Compositional universality on the unit ball of C^N,
Analysis, 26, 365-372, 2006.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y Antonio Bonilla.
64. Existence and Computation of Zeros of Perturbed Mappings,
Applied Mathematics and Computation , 173, 457-467, 2006.
José María Soriano.
65. A Regular Value of a Compact Deformation,
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 27, 1265-1274, 2006.
José María Soriano.
66. Universality of entire functions bounded on closed
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 315, 302--316, 2006.
L. Bernal y A. Bonilla.
67. Lacunary non-continuable boundary-regular holomorphic functions with universal properties,
Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 41, 27-40, 2006.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno y Wolfgang Luh.
68. Stable and unstable stationary trajectories,
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics English Edition, 26, 52-57, 2005.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Changming Ding.
69. Mean convergence theorems and weak laws of large numbers for weighted sums of random variables under a condition of weighted integrability ,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 305, 644-658, 2005.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
70. U-operators,
Australian Mathematical Society Journal, 78, 59-89, 2005.
Luis Bernal González, José Antonio Prado Tendero.
71. Linear Kierst-Szpilrajn theorems,
Studia Mathematica, 166, 55-69, 2005.
Luis Bernal González.
72. Simultaneously maximal radial cluster sets,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 135, 114-124, 2005.
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Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, José Antonio Prado Bassas.
73. Supercyclic sequences of differential operators,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 107, 89-108, 2005.
Luis Bernal González, José Antonio Prado Tendero.
74. Uniformly asymptotically Zhukovskij stable orbits,
Computers and Mathematics with applications, 49, 81-84, 2005.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Changming Ding.
75. Backward $\phi$-shifts and universality,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 315, 180-196, 2005.
Luis Bernal González.
76. Fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in spaces of continuous functions,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 133, 3037-3046, 2005.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
77. Asymptotic probability for the bootstrapped means deviations from the sample mean,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 74, 178-186, 2005.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
78. Existence and data dependence of fixed points for multivalued operators on gauge spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 309, 420-432, 2005.
Rafael Espínola, Adrian Petrusel.
79. Universal entire functions for affine endomorphisms of C-N,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 305, 690-697, 2005.
Luis Bernal González.
80. Universality on higher order Hardy spaces,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 71, 17-28, 2005.
Luis Bernal González, Anotnio Bonilla Ramírez, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
81. Nonexpansive selection of metric projection in spaces of continuous functions,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 137, 187-200, 2005.
Benyamini,Y.; Espínola,R.; López,G..
82. On selections of the metric projetion and best proximity pairs in hyperconvex spaces,
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, LIX, 9-17, 2005.
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Rafael Espínola García.
83. Universal matrix-overconvergence of non-continuable holomorphic functions,
Analisis Matematica, 31, 235-250, 2005.
L. Bernal Gonzalez, M.C. Calderon Moreno, W. Luh.
84. Some geometric properties in modular spaces and applications to fixed point theory,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 295, 576-594, 2004.
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María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
85. Maximal cluster sets along arbitrary curves,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 129, 207-216, 2004.
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Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, José Antonio Prado Bassas.
86. Universal holomorphic and harmonic functions with additional properties,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 105, 1-15, 2004.
María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, Juergen Mueller.
87. Weak compactness and fixed point property for affine mappings,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 209, 1-15, 2004.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda, Stanislav Prus.
88. On a unified study of relatively Chebyshev radii and Hausdorff measures of noncompactness,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 30, 245-257, 2004.
Rafael Espínola García, Andrzej Wisnicki, Jacek Wosko.
89. Uniqueness of escape trajectories for N-body problem of classical electrodynamics,
Mathematical Science Research Journal, 8, 184-195, 2004.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Vasil G. Angelov.
90. Asymptotic centers and fixed points for multivalued nonexpansive mappings,
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, 58, 37-45, 2004.
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Tomás Domínguez Banavides, Josefa Lorenzo Ramírez.
91. A universal infinite-dimensional modulus for normed spaces and applications,
Nolinear Analysis, 58, 379-394, 2004.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Beatriz Gavira Aguilar.
92. Nondenseness of $2$-graphs of equicontinuous families,
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 70, 839-857, 2004.
Luis Bernal González.
93. Norms of hypercyclic sequences,
Mathematica Pannonica, 15, 221-230, 2004.
Luis Bernal González.
94. Nonexpansive mappings in spaces of continuous functions,
Extracta Mathematicae, 19, 1-20, 2004.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
95. Random fixed points of uniformly lipschitzian mappings,
Nonlinear Analysis, 57, 23-34, 2004.
Josefa Lorenzo Ramírez.
96. Fixed point theorems for multivalued nonexpansive mappings satisfying inwardness conditions,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 291, 100-108, 2004.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Josefa Lorenzo Ramírez.
97. Fixed point property for general topologies in some Banach spaces,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 70, 229-244, 2004.
Stanislav Prus, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
98. Viscosity approximation methods for nonexpansive mappings,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 298, 279-291, 2004.
99. Ambigous loci of mutually nearest and mutuallyfurthest poits in Banach spaces,
Nonlinear Anal., 58, 367-377, 2004.
Li, Chong; Xu,HongKun.
100. Iterative solutions for zeros of accretive operators,
Math. Nachr., 248, 62-71, 2003.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo, Hong Kun Xu.
101. A stable solution,
Applied Mathematics and Computations, 140, 223-229, 2003.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
102. Matrices de Hadamard,
Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 23, 91-100, 2003.
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
103. The fixed point property in Banach spaces containing a copy of $c_0$,
Abstract and Applied Mathematics , 3, 183-386, 2003.
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María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
104. Fixed point theorems for multivalued nonexpansive mappings without uniform convexity,
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 6, 375-386, 2003.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Josefa Lorenzo Ramírez.
105. Measure of nonhyperconvexity and fixed point theorems,
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2, 111-119, 2003.
Rafael Espínola García, Darius Bugajewski.
106. Two hyperbolic Schwarz lemmas,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 67, 521-522, 2003.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
107. Universal transforms of the geometric series under generalized Riesz methods,
Computational Methods and Function Theory, 3, 285-297, 2003.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, Wolfgang Luh.
108. Universality and summability of trigonometric polynomials and trigonometric series,
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica. Journal of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society, 46, 119-133, 2003.
Wolfgang Luh, Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
109. Boundary-chaotic behaviour of continuous functions under the action of operators,
Prodeedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 46, 451-464, 2003.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
110. The hypercyclicity criterion for sequences of operators,
Studia Mathematica, 157, 17-32, 2003.
Luis Bernal González, Karl-Groswin Grosse-Erdmann.
111. A zero proper mappings,
Fixed Point Theory, 4, 97-104, 2003.
José María Soriano Arbizu, Vasil G. Angelov.
112. Complete characterizations of Kadec-Klee properties in Orlicz spaces,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 29, 1027-1044, 2003.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo, Brailey Sims, Henry Hudzik, M. Mastylo .
113. Complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random variables,
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 18, 375-383, 2003.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Soo Hak Sung, Andrei Volodin .
114. Set-valued contractions and fixed points,
Noninear Analysis, 54, 485-494, 2003.
Rafael Espínola García, William A. Kirk.
115. Convergence of hybrid steepest-descent methods for variational inequalities,
J. Optim Theory Appl., 119, 185-201, 2003.
Xu,H.K.; Kim, T.H..
116. Porosity of mutually nearest and mutually furthest points in banach spaces,
J. Approx. Theory, 125, 10-25, 2003.
Li, Chong; Xu,HongKun.
117. Iterative approaches to finding nearest common fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces,
Nonlinear anal., 54, 1417-1426, 2003.
O´Hara, John; PillayParanjothi; Xu, HongKun.
118. on a Banach space property of trubnikov,
Bull. Austr. Math. Soc., 67, 55-63, 2003.
Reich, Simeon;Xu,HongKun.
119. An iterative approach to quadratic optimization,
J. Optim. Theory and Appl., 116, 659-678, 2003.
120. Two Hyperbolic Schwarz lemmas,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 66, 17-24, 2002.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
121. A second zero of a function,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 133, 245-255, 2002.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
122. Asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in modular function spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 265, 249-263, 2002.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Amine Khamsi, Sedki Semadi.
123. Extension of compact mappings and $\aleph_0$-hypercovnexity,
Nonlinear Analysis, 49, 1127-1135, 2002.
Rafael Espínola García, Genaro López Acedo.
124. Some fixed point results on L-embedded Banach spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 272, 380-391, 2002.
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María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
125. On the existence of zero points of a continuous function,
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 22, 171-177, 2002.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
126. Construction of sunny nonexpansive retrations in Banach spaces,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 66, 9-16, 2002.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo, Hong-Kun Xu.
127. On complete convergence of weighted sums of random elements,
Stochastics Analysis and Applications, 20, 21-32, 2002.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Soo Hak Sung.
128. Strongly omnipresent operators: general conditions and applications to composition operators,
Australian Mathematical Society, Journal, 72, 335-348, 2002.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann.
129. Strongly omnipresent integral operators,
Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 44, 397-409, 2002.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann.
130. Exponential type of hypercyclic entire functions,
Archiv der Mathematik, 78, 283-290, 2002.
Luis Bernal González, Antonio Bonilla Ramírez.
131. Dense range perturbations of hypercyclic operators,
Colloquium Mathematicum, 91, 283-292, 2002.
Luis Bernal González.
132. Monsters in Hardy and Bergman spaces,
Complex Variables, Theory and Application, 47, 373-382, 2002.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
133. Dense linear manifolds of monsters,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 119, 156-180, 2002.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
134. Holomorphic differential iperators and plane sets with dense images,
Complex variables, Theory and Applications, 47, 167-176, 2002.
María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
135. Pseudo shifts operators with large images,
Colloquium Mathematicum, 93, 131-136, 2002.
María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
136. Universal functions with small derivatives and extremely fast growth,
Analysis, 22, 57-66, 2002.
María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
137. Some random fixed point theorems for nonlinear mappings,
Nonliear Analysis, 50, 265-274, 2002.
Josefa Lorenzo Ramírez.
138. Geometric properties of Banach spaces and metric fixed point theory,
Extracta Mathematicae, 17, 331-349, 2002.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
139. Complete convergence of weighted sums in Banach spaces and the bootstrap mean,
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 10, 17-26, 2002.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordólez Cabrera, Soo-Hak Sung, Andrei Volodin.
140. On almost well-posed mutually nearest and mutually furthest point problems,
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 23, 323-331, 2002.
Li,Chong; Xu,HongKun.
141. Iterative algorithms for nonlinear operators,
J. London Math. Soc., 66, 240-256, 2002.
142. Mappings sharing a value of finite-dimensional spaces,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 121, 391-396, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
143. On conditional compactly uniform pth-order integrability of random elements in Banach spaces,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 55, 301-309, 2001.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andri Volodin .
144. Convergence of randomly weighted sums of Banach space valued random elements and uniform entegrability cocerning the random weights ,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 51, 155-164, 2001.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
145. A compactness condition,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 124, 397-402, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
146. Fredholm and compact mappings sharing a value,
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics English Edition , 22, 682-686, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
147. Uniformly Lipschitzian mappings in modular function spaces,
Nonlinear Analysis, 46, 267-278, 2001.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, M. A. Khamsi, Sedki Samadi.
148. Structure of the fixed point set and common fixed pints of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 129, 3549-3557, 2001.
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Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Josefa Lorenzo Ramírez.
149. Sequences of differencial operators: exponentials, hypercyclicity and equicontinuity,
Annales Polonici Mathematici, 77, 169-187, 2001.
Luis Bernal González, José Antonio Prado Tendero .
150. On universality of composition operators in several variables,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 27, 907-918, 2001.
María del Carmen Calderón Moreno, Antonio Bonilla Ramírez.
151. Universality of derivative and antiderivative opertors with holomorphic coefficients,
Annales Polinici Mathemtici, 77, 197-207, 2001.
María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
152. Operators with dense images everywhere,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 263, 95-109, 2001.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
153. Isomodular interpolating sequences,
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., , 565-570, 2001.
Luis Bernal González.
154. A note of universal and non-universal invertible selfmappings,
Mathematica Balkanika, , 251-259, 2001.
Luis Bernal González.
155. Multiplicative sequences for universal sequences of mappings,
Mathematica Pannonica, 12, 167-175, 2001.
Luis Bernal González.
156. Fixed points and approximate fixed points in product spaces,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 5, 405-416, 2001.
Rafael Espínola García, William A. Kirk.
157. Fixed point properties of mappings satisfying local contractive conditions,
Nonlinear Analysis Forum, 6, 103-111, 2001.
Rafael Espínola García, William A. Kirk, Euk-Sun Kim.
158. Existence of fixed points for mappings of asymptotically nonexpansive typoe on $L$-embedded Banach spaces,
Nonlinear Analysis, 47, 2779-2786, 2001.
Acceso a más información
María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
159. Asymptotically regular mappings on modular function spaces,
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 53, 295-304, 2001.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, M.A. Khamsi, Sedki Samadi.
160. Fixed point theorems for asymptotically regular mappings in Orlicz function spaces,
Nonlinear Analysis, 44, 829-842, 2001.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
161. Open trajectories,
Applied Mathematics and computation, 124, 235-240, 2001.
José María Soriano Arbizu.
162. Geometrical conditions in product spaces,
Nonlinear Anal., 46, 1063-1071, 2001.
Marino,G.; Pietramala,P.; Xu, HongKun.
163. On property M and its generalizations,
J. math. Anal. Appl., 261, 271-281, 2001.
Marino,G.; Pietramala,P.; Xu, HongKun.
164. Multivalued nonexpansive mappings in banach spaces,
Nonlinear Anal., 43, 693-706, 2001.
Xu, HongKun.
165. Universal images of universal elements,
Studia Mathematica, 138, 241-250, 2000.
Luis Bernal González.
166. A geometrical characterization of the $C(K)$ and $C_0(K)$ spaces,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 105, 87-101, 2000.
Rafael Espínola García, Andrzej Wisnicki, Jacek Wosko.
167. Nonexpansive retractions in hyperconvex spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analisis and Applications, 251, 557-570, 2000.
Rafael Espínola García, Genaro López Acedo, William A. Kirk.
168. Compact Mapping and Proper Mapping between Banach Spaces,
Matemática Balkanica, 14, 161-166, 2000.
José María Soriano.
169. Zeros of Compact Perturbations of Proper Mappings,
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 7, 31-37, 2000.
José María Soriano.
170. Opial modulus,moduli of noncompact convexity and fixed poins for asymptotically regular mappings.,
Nonlinear Anal., 41, 617-630, 2000.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
171. A note on approximation of holomorphic
functions by exponentials
Indian Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics, 31, 573--582, 2000.
Luis Bernal González.
172. Holomorphic T-monsters and strongly omnipresent
Journal of Approximation Theory, 104, 204-219, 2000.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
173. On the weak law of large numbers in Banach spaces of martingales type p under a general condition of Cesàro type,
Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 44, 1-5, 2000.
O.V. Antonova; S.A. Bronnikova; V.V.Davydova; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
174. On the weak law for randomly indexed partial sums for arrays of random elements in martingale type p Banach spaces,
Statistics & Probability Letters, 46, 177-185, 2000.
D.H. Hong; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera; S.H. Sung; Andrei Volodin.
175. On a result of W. A. Kirk
Houston J. Math., 25, 371-378, 1999.
Acceso a más información
Rafael Espínola, Genaro López.
176. A Seidel-Walsh theorem with linear differential operators,
Archiv der Mathematic, 62, 367-375, 1999.
Luis Bernal González, María del Carmen Calderón Moreno.
177. Existence of Zeros for Bounded Perturbations of Proper Mappings,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 99, 255-259, 1999.
José María Soriano.
178. On hypercyclic operators on Banach spaces,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 127, 1003--1010, 1999.
Luis Bernal González.
179. Densely hereditarily hypercyclic sequences
and large hypercyclic manifolds,
Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, 127, 3279--3285, 1999.
Luis Bernal González.
180. Hypercyclic sequences of differential and
antidifferential operators,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 96, 323-337, 1999.
Luis Bernal González.
181. Holomorphic functions having large images under the
action of differential operators
Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Applications, 230, 390-399, 1999.
Luis Bernal González.
182. Again on the weak law in martingale type p Banach spaces,
Extracta Math., 14, 45-50, 1999.
D.H. Hong; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera; S.H. Sung; Andrei Volodin.
183. Degenerate weak convergence of row sums for arrays of random elements in stable type p Banach spaces,
Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, 27, 187-212, 1999.
A. Adler; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera; A. Rosalsky; Andrei Volodin .
184. Some fixed point theorems for uniformly Lipschitzian mappings and asymptotically regular mappings,
Nonlinear Analysis, 3, 15-27, 1998.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
185. Stability of the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings in some classes of spaces,
Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal., 5, 37-46, 1998.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, M. Ángeles Japón Pineda.
186. The $\tau$-Fixed Point Property for nonexpansive mappings,
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 3, 343-362, 1998.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Jesús García Falset, M. Angeles Japón Pineda.
187. Small entire functions with extremely fast growth,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 207, 541-548, 1997.
Luis Bernal González.
188. Approximating curves of nonexpansive nonself-mappings in banach spaces,
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I math., 325, 151-156, 1997.
Xu, HongKun.
189. Extremal solutions of a class of nonlinear integro-differential equations in Banach spaces,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 2605-2614, 1997.
Xu, HongKun; Nieto,Juan.
190. On the Bezout Theorem,
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 4, 59-66, 1997.
José María Soriano.
191. On the Number of Zeros of a Mapping,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 38, 287-291, 1997.
José María Soriano.
192. A new constant in Banach spaces and stability of the fixed point property,
Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sect. A, 51, 135-141, 1997.
M. Ángeles Japón Pineda.
193. On universal functions with zero-free
Archiv der Mathematik, 68, 145-150, 1997.
Luis Bernal González.
194. Geometric constant concerning metric fixed point theory: Finite or infinite-dimensional character,
Nonlinar Anal., 30, 2297-2308, 1997.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
195. A modulus for property beta of Rolewicz. Colloq. Math. ,
Colloq. Math. , 73, 183-191, 1997.
Acceso a más información
J. M. Ayerbe Toledano
T. Domínguez Benavides
S. Francisco Cutillas.
196. Convergence in mean of weighted sums of a_{nk}-compactly uniformly integrable random elements in Banach spaces,
Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci., 20, 443-450, 1997.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
197. Random fixed points of set-valued operators,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 124, 831-838, 1996.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo, Hong Xu.
198. On the Existence of Zero Points,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 79, 99-104, 1996.
José María Soriano.
199. Darbo-Sadovski theorem in hyperconvex metric spaces,
Supplemento ai rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo, 40, 129-137, 1996.
Rafael Espínola.
200. A Schwarz Lemma for convex domains in
arbitrary Banach spaces
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 200, 511-517, 1996.
Luis Bernal González
201. A lot of 'counterexamples' to
Liouville's theorem,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 201, 1002-1009, 1996.
Luis Bernal González.
202. Universal functions for Taylor shifts,
Complex Variables, 31, 121-129, 1996.
Luis Bernal González.
203. Qualitative and quantitative properties for the space l{p,q}. ,
Houston J. Math., 22, 89-100, 1996.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides
G. López Acedo
H. K. Xu.
204. Some fixed point theorems in Orlicz sequence spaces.
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo , 2, 79-91, 1996.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
205. Some geometric properties concerning fixed point theory. ,
Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid, 9, 109-124, 1996.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
206. A geometrical coefficient implying the fixed point property and stability results.,
Houston J. Math., 22, 835-849, 1996.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
207. Modulus of nearly uniform smoothness and Lindenstrauss formulas,
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 37, 143-153, 1995.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
208. Demiclosedness principle and asymptotic behavior of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings,
Nonlinear Anal., 24, 929-946, 1995.
Lin, Pei-Kee ; Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, HongKun.
209. On the Bezout Theorem Real Case,
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 2, 59-66, 1995.
José María Soriano.
210. Universal functions for composition operators,
Complex Variables, 27, 47-56, 1995.
Luis Bernal González, Alfonso Montes Rodríguez.
211. Non-finite dimensional closed vector spaces of
universal functions for composition operators,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 82, 375-391, 1995.
Luis Bernal González, Alfonso Montes Rodríguez.
212. Plane sets having dense holomorphic images,
Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 40, 567-569, 1995.
Luis Bernal González.
213. Weak uniform normal structure and iterative fixed points of nonexpansive mappings. ,
Colloq. Math. , 68, 17-23, 1995.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides
G. López Acedo
H. K. Xu.
214. A new geometrical coefficient for Banach spaces and its applications in fixed point theory. ,
Nonlinear Anal., 25, 311-325, 1995.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez BenavidesH. K. Xu.
Packing rates in direct sum spaces. ,
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A , 7, 377-390, 1995.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides
R. Rodríguez Álvarez.
216. Derivative and antiderivative operators and the size of complex domains,
Annales Polonici Mathematici, , 267-274, 1994.
Luis Bernal González.
217. Fixed point iteration for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 122, 733-739, 1994.
Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, HongKun.
218. Epsilon-chainability and fixed points of set-valued mappings in metric spaces,
Math. Japon., 39, 353-356, 1994.
Xu, HongKun.
219. Extremum Points of a Convex Function,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 66, 261-266, 1994.
José María Soriano.
220. The order of a class of meromorphic functions,
Afrika Mathematica, 4, 37-42, 1994.
Luis Bernal González.
221. Convergence of weighted sums of random variables and uniform integrability concerning the weights,
Collect. Math., 45, 121-132, 1994.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
222. Some noncompact convexity moduli for the property $(\beta)$ of Rolewicz.,
Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal. , 1, 87-98, 1994.
Acceso a más información
J. M. Ayerbe Toledano
T. Domínguez Benavides
S. Francisco Cutillas.
223. Some geometric soefficients in Orlicz sequence-spaces,
Nonlinear Analysis, 20, 349-358, 1993.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Ramón Rodríguez Álvarez.
224. A random fixed point theorem for multivalued nonexpansive operators in uniformly convex Banachspaces,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 117, 1089-1092, 1993.
Xu, HongKun.
225. Global Minimum Point of a Convex Function ,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 55, 213-218, 1993.
José María Soriano.
226. Connections between some Banach space coefficients concerning normal structure.,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 172, 53-61, 1993.
Acceso a más información
J. M. Ayerbe Toledano
T. Domínguez Benavides.
227. On a measure of noncompactness in Banach spaces with Schauder basis. ,
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A, 7, 77-86, 1993.
Acceso a más información
J. Arias de Reyna
T. Domínguez Benavides.
228. Lower bounds for normal structure coefficients,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 121A, 245-252, 1992.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo.
229. The nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 114, 399-404, 1992.
Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, HongKun.
230. Omnipresent holomorphic operators and maximal cluster sets,
Colloquium Mathematicum, 63, 315-322, 1992.
Luis Bernal González.
231. Global Minimum Point of a Convex Function,
Extracta Matematicae, 7, , 1992.
José María Soriano.
232. Fixed points of asymptotically contractive mappings. ,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 164 , 164, 447-452, 1992.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides
G. López Acedo.
233. Porosity and K-set contractions. ,
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A , 7, 227-232, 1992.
Acceso a más información
J. Carmona Álvarez
T. Domínguez Benavides.
234. Weak uniform normal structure in direct sum spaces. ,
Studia Math., 103, 283-290, 1992.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
235. Normal structure coefficients in $L^p$-spaces,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 117A, 299-303, 1991.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
236. A fixed point theorem for semigroups of proximately uniformly Lipschitzian mappings,
Canad. Math. Bull., 34, 559-562, 1991.
Xu, HongKun.
237. A Special Type of Triangulation In numerical Nonlinear Analysis,
Extracta Mathematica, 8, 20-23, 1991.
José María Soriano.
238. Linear independence of iterates of entire functions,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 112, 1033-1036, 1991.
Luis Bernal González.
239. Set-contractions and ball-contractions in L_p-spaces.
159 (2) 500-506 (1991),
Journal Math. Anal. Appl., 159, 500-506, 1991.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides
J. M. Ayerbe Toledano.
240. Some random fixed point theorems for condensing and nonexpansive operators,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 110, 395-400, 1990.
Xu, HongKun.
241. A Special Type of Triangulation In Numerical Nonlinear Analysis,
Collectanea mathematicae, 41, 45-58, 1990.
José María Soriano.
242. Connections between some measures of noncompactness and associated
Extracta Matematica, 5, 62-64, 1990.
J.M. Ayerbe Toledano
T. Domínguez Benavides
G. López Acedo
243. An L_p inequality and its applications to fixed point theory and approximation theory,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburg Sect. A, 112, 343-351, 1989.
Xu, HongKun; Xu, Zong Ben.
244. Una nota sobre sucesiones complejas y equicontinuidad de operadores,
Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 34, 643-645, 1989.
Luis Bernal González.
245. Set-Contractions and Ball-Contractions in some classes of spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 136, 131-140, 1988.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
246. Sobre la Existencia y el Cálculo de Ceros de Funciones Regulares,
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 82, 523-531, 1988.
Jose María Soriano.
247. On a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 104, 1078-1080, 1988.
Luis Bernal González.
248. Limit theorems for randomly weighted sums of random elements in normed linear spaces,
J. Multivariate Anal., 25, 139-145, 1988.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
249. On growth $K$-order of solutions of a comlex homogeneous linear differential equation,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, , 317-322, 1987.
Luis Bernal González.
250. Exponente de convergencia generalizado de una sucesión compleja,
Collectanea Mathematica, 38, 57-64, 1987.
Luis Bernal González.
251. Funciones con derivadas sucesivas grandes y
pequeñas por doquier,
Collectanea Mathematica, 38, 317-322, 1987.
Luis Bernal González.
252. How many zeros does a continuous function have?,
American Mathematical Monthly, 93, 464-465, 1986.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
253. Some properties of the set and ball measures of noncompactness,
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 34, 120-128, 1986.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
254. Some generic properties of non-alfa-expansive operators,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 105, 176-186, 1985.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
255. Some topological properties of the $1$-set-contractions,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 93, 252-254, 1985.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
256. Generic existence of periodic solutions of differential equations in Banach spaces.
Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., 32, 129-135, 1985.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
257. Generic existence of solution for a differential equation in scale of Banach spaces,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 86, 477-484, 1982.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
258. Generic existence of a non-empty compact set of fixed points,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 90, 421-430, 1982.
Acceso a más información
Tomás Domínguez Benavides.
259. An existence theorem for inplicit differential equations in a Banach space,
Anal. Mat. Pura Appl. , CXVIII, 119-130, 1981.
Acceso a más información
T. Dominguez Benavides.
260. Dynamical systems for a non-autonomous differential equation with alpha-Lipschitz operator,
J. Differential Equations, 34, 230-238, 1981.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides .
261. Continuous dependence for implicit differential equations in Banach spaces,
Collect. Math. , XXXI, 205-216, 1981.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
262. Aplicaciones de las categorías de Baire a la existencia de solución de una ecuación diferencial en un espacio de Banach ,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact. Fís. Natur. Madrid , LXXV, 263-271, 1981.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
263. 1,
1, 1, 1, 1981.
Acceso a más información
Capítulos de libros publicados por
1. The $\tau$-fixed piont property for multivalued nonexpansive mappings and its performance under renorming,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (Editores: H. Fetter Nathansky, B. Gamboa de Buen, K. Goebel, W.A. Kirk and B. Sims)Yokohama Publishers: Aoba-ku, 73-87, 2007.
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Beatriz Gavira Aguilar.
2. A survey on nonexpansive selection of metric projection,
Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (Editores: J. García-Falset, E. Llorens-Fuster y B. Sims)Yokohama Publ, 53-71, 2004.
Acceso a más información
Genaro López Acedo, Rafael Espínola García.
3. A universal infinite-dimensional modulus with applications in fixed point theory,
Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (Editores: J. García Falset, E. Llorens Fuster and B. Sims)Yokohama Publishers, 27-40, 2004.
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Beatriz Gavira Aguilar.
4. Stability of the fixed point property in $M$-abstract Banach spaces,
Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (Editores: ), 41-52, 2004.
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
5. Introduction to hyperconvex spaces,
Handbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory, (Editores: W. Art Kirk y Brailey Sims), 391-436, 2001.
Acceso a más información
Rafael Espínola García, M.A. Khamsi.
6. Metric fixed point results concerning measures of noncompactness,
Handbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory, (Editores: ), 239-268, 2001.
Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo, María de los Ángeles Japón Pineda.
7. Remarks on some fixed point theorems for hyperconvex metric spaces and absolute retracts,
Function Spaces, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math, (Editores: Henryk Hudzik y Leszek Skrzypaczak ), , 2000.
Acceso a más información
Dariusz Bugajewski y Rafael Espínola.
8. Ultimately compact operators in hyperconvex metric spaces,
Proceedings of the Intel. Conference on Nonliner Analysis and Convex Analysis, (Editores: Wataru Takahashi and Tamaki Tanaka)World Scientific , , 2000.
Acceso a más información
Rafael Espínola, Genaro López.
9. Some geometric coefficientes in Orlicz spaces with application in fixed poin theory,
Function Spaces. Lecturre Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 213, (Editores: )Dekker, New York, 193-204, 2000.
M. Ángeles Japón Pineda.
10. Índice genérico del punto fijo para aplicaciones no-alfa-expansivas,
Proceedings of the ninth conference of Portuguese and Spanish mathematicians, 1, (Editores: )Acta Salmanticensia. Ciencias, 46, Univ. Salamanca, Salamanca, 1982, 265-267, 1990.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
Libros publicados por
1. Advanced Courses in Mathematical Analysis III. Procedings of the III International School,
, 2008.
J. M. Delgado Sánchez y T. Domínguez Benavides (editores).
2. Seminar Of mathematical Analysis,
Secretariado de publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2006.
Girela Álvarez,Daniel; López Acedo, Genaro; Villa Caro, Rafael .
3. Matemáticas para Químicos,
PPR, 2006.
Acceso a más información
José Antonio Prado Bassas, José Antonio Prado Tendero, Juan Antonio Rivera-Boza.
4. Ciclidad de coeficientes multiplicadores y subespacios de funciones universales,
Vicerrectorado de Postgrado y Doctorado de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2006.
Acceso a más información
José Antonio Prado Bassas.
5. Seminar of Mathematical Analysis,
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Unversidad de Sevilla, 2004.
Daniel Girela Álvarez, Genaro López Acedo, Rafael Villa Caro .
6. Seminar of Mathematical Analysis,
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Unversidad de Sevilla, 2003.
Daniel Girela Álvarez, Genaro López Acedo, Rafael Villa Caro .
7. Measures of Noncompactness in Metric Fixed Point Theory,
Birkhäuser Verlag, 1997.
José María Ayerbe Toledano, Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo .
8. Recent Advances in Metric Fixed Point Theory,
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1996.
T. Dominguez Benavides (Editor).
9. Sistemas Dinámicos en Espacios Vectoriales Topológicos,
Publicaicones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1981.
Acceso a más información
T. Domínguez Benavides.
Charlas y ponencias publicados por
1. Proyecciones ortogonales (métricas) en espacios de funciones continuas,
III Encuentro de Análisis Funcional, 2007.
Acceso a más información
Rafael Espinola Garcia.
2. Funciones holomorfas con cluster sets maximales,
Seminario Interdisciplinar de Variable Compleja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2005.
José Antonio Prado Bassas.
3. Universalidad de multiplicadores de coeficientes,
Seminario de Análisis Complejo de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2004.
Acceso a más información
José Antonio Prado Bassas.
4. Teoremas lineales de Kierst-Szpilrajn,
Seminario del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, 2004.
Luis Bernal González.
5. Hiperciclicidad de los operadores de composición,
Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Huelva, 2004.
Luis Bernal González.
6. Universalidad y Caos Lineal,
Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Huelva, 2004.
Luis Bernal González.
7. Monstruos holomorfos y operadores,
Seminario del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2002.
Luis Bernal González.
8. Operadores con acción fronteriza fuertemente caótica,
Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2001.
Luis Bernal González.
9. Algunos problemas de universalidad e hiperciclicidad,
Seminario del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, 1999.
Luis Bernal González.
10. Variedades grandes de vectores universales,
Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1998.
Luis Bernal González.