Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera
Artículos/preprints publicados:
1. L1-convergence for weighted sums of some dependent random variables,
Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 28, 928-936, 2010.
Pingyan Chen, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
2. On Cantrell-Rosalsky's strong laws of large numbers,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 79, 842-847, 2009.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
J. Korean Math. Soc., 44, 467-476, 2007.
Soo Hak Sung, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, and Tien-Chung Hu.
4. Convergence rate of the dependent bootstrapped means,
Theory of Probability and its Applications, 50, 337-346, 2006.
Volodin, A.; Ordóñez Cabrera, M.; Hu, T.C..
5. Convergence of randomly weighted sums of Banach space valued random elements under some conditions of uniform integrability,
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 138, 5450-5459, 2006.
Ordóñez Cabrera, M.; Volodin, A.
6. Almost sure lim sup behavior of dependent bootstrap means,
Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 24, 939-952, 2006.
Hu, T.C.; Ordóñez Cabrera, M.; Volodin, A..
7. Mean convergence theorems and weak laws of large numbers for weighted sums of random variables under a condition of weighted integrability ,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 305, 644-658, 2005.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
8. Asymptotic probability for the bootstrapped means deviations from the sample mean,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 74, 178-186, 2005.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
9. Complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random variables,
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 18, 375-383, 2003.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Soo Hak Sung, Andrei Volodin .
10. On complete convergence of weighted sums of random elements,
Stochastics Analysis and Applications, 20, 21-32, 2002.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Soo Hak Sung.
11. Complete convergence of weighted sums in Banach spaces and the bootstrap mean,
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 10, 17-26, 2002.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordólez Cabrera, Soo-Hak Sung, Andrei Volodin.
12. On conditional compactly uniform pth-order integrability of random elements in Banach spaces,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 55, 301-309, 2001.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andri Volodin .
13. Convergence of randomly weighted sums of Banach space valued random elements and uniform entegrability cocerning the random weights ,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 51, 155-164, 2001.
Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrei Volodin.
14. On the weak law of large numbers in Banach spaces of martingales type p under a general condition of Cesàro type,
Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 44, 1-5, 2000.
O.V. Antonova; S.A. Bronnikova; V.V.Davydova; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
15. On the weak law for randomly indexed partial sums for arrays of random elements in martingale type p Banach spaces,
Statistics & Probability Letters, 46, 177-185, 2000.
D.H. Hong; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera; S.H. Sung; Andrei Volodin.
16. Again on the weak law in martingale type p Banach spaces,
Extracta Math., 14, 45-50, 1999.
D.H. Hong; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera; S.H. Sung; Andrei Volodin.
17. Degenerate weak convergence of row sums for arrays of random elements in stable type p Banach spaces,
Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, 27, 187-212, 1999.
A. Adler; Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera; A. Rosalsky; Andrei Volodin .
18. Convergence in mean of weighted sums of a_{nk}-compactly uniformly integrable random elements in Banach spaces,
Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci., 20, 443-450, 1997.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
19. Convergence of weighted sums of random variables and uniform integrability concerning the weights,
Collect. Math., 45, 121-132, 1994.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.
20. Limit theorems for randomly weighted sums of random elements in normed linear spaces,
J. Multivariate Anal., 25, 139-145, 1988.
Manuel Ordóñez Cabrera.