Página web del Grupo de Análisis No Lineal de la Universidad de Sevilla

Rafael Espínola García

Artículos/preprints publicados:

1. CAT(k)-spaces, weak convergence and fixed points,
Aceptado en Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, , , 2009. Acceso a más información

Rafa Espínola, Aurora Fernández-León.

2. A new approach to relatively nonexpansive mappings,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136, 1987-1995, 2008. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espínola.

3. Strongly Convergent Approximations to FixedPoints of Total Asymptotically Nonexpansive,
Acta Matematica Sinica (English Series), 24, 1005-1022, 2008. Acceso a más información

Yakov Alber, Rafael Espínola, Pepa Lorenzo.

4. Cartesian product of multivalued operators,
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications (https://nfaa.kyungnam.ac.kr/jour-nfaa.htm), 12, 563-575, 2007. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espínola, Genaro López, Adrian Petrusel.

5. Fixed point theorems in $R$-trees with applications to graph theory,
Topology and its applications, 153, 1046-1055, 2006.

Rafa Espínola, William A. Kirk.

6. Existence and data dependence of fixed points for multivalued operators on gauge spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 309, 420-432, 2005.

Rafael Espínola, Adrian Petrusel.

7. Nonexpansive selection of metric projection in spaces of continuous functions,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 137, 187-200, 2005.

Benyamini,Y.; Espínola,R.; López,G..

8. On selections of the metric projetion and best proximity pairs in hyperconvex spaces,
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, LIX, 9-17, 2005. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espínola García.

9. On a unified study of relatively Chebyshev radii and Hausdorff measures of noncompactness,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 30, 245-257, 2004.

Rafael Espínola García, Andrzej Wisnicki, Jacek Wosko.

10. Measure of nonhyperconvexity and fixed point theorems,
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2, 111-119, 2003.

Rafael Espínola García, Darius Bugajewski.

11. Set-valued contractions and fixed points,
Noninear Analysis, 54, 485-494, 2003.

Rafael Espínola García, William A. Kirk.

12. Extension of compact mappings and $\aleph_0$-hypercovnexity,
Nonlinear Analysis, 49, 1127-1135, 2002.

Rafael Espínola García, Genaro López Acedo.

13. Fixed points and approximate fixed points in product spaces,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 5, 405-416, 2001.

Rafael Espínola García, William A. Kirk.

14. Fixed point properties of mappings satisfying local contractive conditions,
Nonlinear Analysis Forum, 6, 103-111, 2001.

Rafael Espínola García, William A. Kirk, Euk-Sun Kim.

15. A geometrical characterization of the $C(K)$ and $C_0(K)$ spaces,
Journal of Approximation Theory, 105, 87-101, 2000.

Rafael Espínola García, Andrzej Wisnicki, Jacek Wosko.

16. Nonexpansive retractions in hyperconvex spaces,
Journal of Mathematical Analisis and Applications, 251, 557-570, 2000.

Rafael Espínola García, Genaro López Acedo, William A. Kirk.

17. On a result of W. A. Kirk ,
Houston J. Math., 25, 371-378, 1999. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espínola, Genaro López.

18. Darbo-Sadovski theorem in hyperconvex metric spaces,
Supplemento ai rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo, 40, 129-137, 1996.

Rafael Espínola.

Capítulos de libros publicados:

1. A survey on nonexpansive selection of metric projection,
Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (Editores: J. García-Falset, E. Llorens-Fuster y B. Sims)Yokohama Publ, 53-71, 2004. Acceso a más información

Genaro López Acedo, Rafael Espínola García.

2. Introduction to hyperconvex spaces,
Handbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory, (Editores: W. Art Kirk y Brailey Sims), 391-436, 2001. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espínola García, M.A. Khamsi.

3. Remarks on some fixed point theorems for hyperconvex metric spaces and absolute retracts,
Function Spaces, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math, (Editores: Henryk Hudzik y Leszek Skrzypaczak ), , 2000. Acceso a más información

Dariusz Bugajewski y Rafael Espínola.

4. Ultimately compact operators in hyperconvex metric spaces,
Proceedings of the Intel. Conference on Nonliner Analysis and Convex Analysis, (Editores: Wataru Takahashi and Tamaki Tanaka)World Scientific , , 2000. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espínola, Genaro López.

Charlas y ponencias:

1. Proyecciones ortogonales (métricas) en espacios de funciones continuas,
III Encuentro de Análisis Funcional, 2007. Acceso a más información

Rafael Espinola Garcia.