.:: THE GROUP ::.

The Seville CCR Group comprises teams encompassing interest of six researchers from the Department of Cell Biology who are working on fundamental molecular and cellular aspects of DNA Topoisomerases, a family of nuclear DNA-processing enzymes which represent the pharmacological target of major clinically useful chemotherapeutic agents used worldwide in cancer treatment.
The main objectives of the Group are to understand the genetic and environmental factors involved in the functional roles of DNA topoisomerases, and to investigate cellular and molecular responses to topoisomerase-targeted anticancer agents in relation to DNA Damage , Repair and its important functional consequences in chromosome condensation and segregation.

.:: OUR WORK ::.

Key areas of research include:

Cellular effects of physical and chemical mutagens/carcinogens.

Cellular and molecular responses to DNA damage.

Molecular mode of action of DNA topoisomerases.

Cellular and molecular responses to inhibitors of DNA topoisomerases.

Environmental factors affecting functional roles of DNA topoisomerases.

Development of protocols clinically useful using catalytic inhibitors of topoisomerases.



Since 1977, the group has published over 100 peer papers ( including publications in Mutation Research, Chromosoma, Mutagenesis, DNA Repair, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis etc) and won over 600.000 € in competitive research grants from agencies as Government research councils, European Union, Andalusian Research Institutions, and various other organizations



The Group welcomes enquiries from prospective academic or industrial collaborators, or from scientists who are interested in joining the Group.
Contact the Head of the CCR Group, Prof. Felipe Cortés.

Department of Cell Biology - University of Seville Avda. Reina Mercedes 6, 41012 SEVILLE (Spain)