Research objectives

FARMOLAP is a research group of the University of Seville, belonging to the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville (CTS658). It is made up of Professors and PhDs together with postdoctoral researchers and students undergoing research training.

We focus on the knowledge of inflammation as an important component in acute and chronic phases of processes in which the immune system participates. We know that these responses are aimed at fighting against the presence and proliferation of foreign elements, but on numerous occasions the balance is not adequately restored and chronic changes are triggered in the tissues with loss of their functionality.

FARMOLAP has extensive experience in intestinal pathology, including Intestinal Inflammatory Bowel Disease and colon cancer, for which it has developed protocols and biological models that allow their study. The group is also interested in chronic inflammation and molecular changes that promote cellular ageing.  Another line in full development involves studies in the skin, advancing in several inflammatory-based diseases, together with the development of epidermal cancerous processes; similar to the intestinal epithelium, it is frequent for similar actors to appear on the skin, with comparable roles, but different scenarios condition the responses.

FARMOLAP has developed several methodological procedures in cell and animal models in our laboratories at the Faculty of Pharmacy, but also with the support of the Centre for Research and Technology of the University of Seville (CITIUS), which has state-of-the-art scientific and technical equipment and trained support staff for their optimal use.

In short, our challenges are the search for drugs, nutraceuticals, or functional food ingredients that help prevent and/or cure prevalent inflammatory-based pathologies.  From this perspective, several of our current research focuses on products of natural origin and semi-synthetic derivatives.