
07 jul

In the bosom of the Earth: a new megalithic monument at the Antequera World Heritage Site

Antequera in southern Spain is widely recognised as an outstanding example of the European megalithic phenomenon. One of its most remarkable features is the evident relationship between conspicuous natural formations and human-built monuments. Here, the authors report the results of their investigation of a tomb newly discovered at the site of Piedras Blancas at the foot of La Peña de los Enamorados, a limestone massif...

07 jul

Amelogenin peptide analyses reveal female leadership in Copper Age Iberia (c. 2900–2650 BC)

Given the absence of written records, the main source of information available to analyze gender inequalities in early complex societies is the human body itself. And yet, for decades, archaeologists have struggled with the sex estimation of poorly preserved human remains. Here we present an exceptional case study that shows how ground-breaking new scientifc methods may address this problem. Through the analysis of sexually dimorphic...

20 jun

WESIPS 2024 Warfare, Environment, Social Inequality, and Pro-Sociability Biennial Conference

The organizers are seeking papers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and theoretical approaches addressing one or more of the following topics: Prehistoric/historic/contemporary warfare, ritual violence, biodiversity, natural resource utilization, past and present cases of environmental degradation/sustainability, egalitarianism, advent of social complexity, social inequality, conflict resolution, and prosocial behavior from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Organizers Dr. Richard J. Chacon (Winthrop University) Dr....

19 may

Cinco claves sobre el extraordinario yacimiento de Piedras Blancas, cerca de Antequera: el tema más leído en National Geographic

El artículo de divulgación del proyecto de Piedras Blancas en Antequera, en la revista #Historia de #NationalGeographic,  ha sido la más leída en esta semana. La investigación en torno al complejo funerario publicado en Antiquity, revela que fue construido en parte por las manos del hombre, aprovechando la roca natural, hace aproximadamente unos 5.000 años. Más información en: Historia National Geographic   Artículo científico en Antiquity

13 abr

Conferencia en el MAN: Mujeres y Poder en la Prehistoria: “La señora del Marfil”

El próximo jueves 25 de mayo en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), se dictará la conferencia: Mujeres y Poder en la Prehistoria. La "Señora del Marfil" del Mega-Sitio de la Edad del Cobre de Valencina, impartida  por  Marta Cintas Peña y Leonardo García Sanjuán. Lugar: Salón de Actos, Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) 18:30 h  

13 abr

Concurrimos a la 3ª edición del Premio Nacional de Arqueología y Paleontología de la Fundación PALARQ

  Con el proyecto Gigantes de la Prehistoria. Megalitismo y Complejidad Social Temprana en Antequera y Valencina concurrimos en el Premio Nacional de Arqueología y Paleontología Fundación PALARQ, cuyo objetivo es reconocer la excelencia y originalidad de proyectos arqueológicos y paleontológicos liderados por equipos de investigación españoles. Más información: Fundación PALARQ  

26 mar

Working with the Roots Cluster, Kiel University

Leonardo García Sanjuan is a new JMA-Chair in the ROOTS Cluster of Excellence at the University of Kiel in Germany (during the spring 2023). The research of our colleague Leonardo Garcia will focus on various topics, such as early social complexity, funerary practices, megalithic monuments and prehistoric landscapes, with special attention to Late Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Iberia. More information:   

17 feb

New Book: Territorios Rupestres en América Latina

We have published the book  "Territorios Rupestres en América Latina"  The book edited por Aline Lara Galicia y Luis Martos López, brings together rock art research in different American countries. Publisher by Universidad Pablo de Olavide-ENREDRAS. Free download:  

03 feb

Book presentation in the Municipal Museum of Antequera

On February 2 was presented the book "Dolmen de Menga intervention 2005-2006. Investigating the genesis of an exceptional Neolithic monument", a book that presents the work carried out by the ATLAS group and institutional collaborations of national and international researchers. The speakers at the event were: Juan Rosas Gallardo, Councilman of World Heritage of the City Council of Antequera; Manuel Pimentel Siles, Editor of Almuzara...

16 ene

New Book: Dolmen de Menga: Intervención de 2005-2006

We have published the book Dolmen de Menga: Intervention 2005-2006. Investigando la Génesis de un Monumento Neolítico Excepcional (Seville, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla and Almuzara Universidad, 2022). The book edited by Leonardo García Sanjuán, with a foreword by Professor Antonio Gilman and preamble by Manuel Pimentel, brings together interdisciplinary research from the excavations carried out at the dolmen between 2005 and 2006 More information at:...

02 dic

New Publication: The Sense of Water: A Journey from Prehistory

We have published a book of interdisciplinary scientific dissemination, about some evidence about the cult of water among humans and the link with the oceans from the past to the present.  Download

30 nov

Most read: Gender Inequalities in Neolithic Iberia: A Multi-Proxy Approach

Nuestro paper "Gender Inequalities in Neolithic Iberia: A Multi-Proxy Approach", publicado en 2019 en European Journal of Archaeology (factor de impacto 1,85),  tras tres años  en el top ten de los artículos más leídos de esa revista Más información  

30 nov

Conferencia: Metal trade between the Atlantic north and Iberia 1300- 700 BC

Los investigadores Prof. Johan Ling y Dr. Cecilia Lindhé de la Universidad de Gothenburg  presentarán la conferencia "Metal trade between the Atlantic north and Iberia 1300- 700 BC" Lunes 5 de diciembre 12 h Aula Carriazo Facultad de Geografía e Historia

17 nov

Seminario: LIDAR en Arqueología: avances, problemas y acciones

Seminario entorno a la tecnología LIDAR en Arqueología, sus avances, sus problemas y sus acciones.  participa Francisco Sánchez, Universidad de Sevilla  y Antonio Monterroso, Universidad de Córdoba 24 de noviembre 18 a 20h Sala Carriazo de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad de Sevilla

07 oct

Megalithisation of Iberia

We publish a new article titled "The “Megalithisation” of Iberia: A Spatio-Temporal Model". In the last 20 years, the growing availability of radiometric data has led to profound changes in the archaeological study of cultural and social processes in European Late Prehistory. In this paper, we examine how the combined use of spatial analysis and Bayesian modelling can further contribute to an enhanced interpretation of the...

01 oct

Towards a High-Resolution Approach to the Temporality of Major Megalithic Monuments.

We participated in the meeting of the European Megalithic Study Group, in Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, with the conference "Towards a High-Resolution Approach to the Temporality of Major Megalithic Monuments. The Examples of Menga and Montelirio (Spain)". For decades, establishing the temporality of major megalithic monuments has been a significant archaeological problem that has hampered the interpretation of the roles they played among early...