
Our dear colleague Víctor Hurtado Pérez passes away

Our dear colleague and friend Víctor Hurtado Pérez (Solana de los Barros, Badajoz, 1950) passed away on Saturday September 7th 2024. Víctor was a retired Senior Lecturer at the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the University of Sevilla, and a founding member of the ATLAS research group. For over three decades, he was very active in the research of southern Iberian Late Prehistory. He undertook excavations at major Copper Age and Bronze Age sites such as La Pijotilla, Valencina, San Blas or El Trastejón and published several monographs and papers dealing with topics such as settlement patterns, burial practices, metallurgy and art. He was a generous and kind professor and colleague, and endeavored to educate and promote young students, to whom he always opened up new opportunities. We send our heartfelt condolences to his wife, children and family. We will forever miss our dear maestro and friend. May he rest in peace.


Photo caption: Víctor Hurtado Pérez (first on the left) and the excavation team at La Pijotilla (Badajoz, Spain) in August 1990.


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