The quality of the radiometric data available for the study of the megalithic phenomenon in Iberia has improved mark-edly over the last fifteen years. As a result, relevant details are beginning to emerge in terms of the sequence, temporality and evo-lution of certain monument types, specific construction and clusters of them. In this paper we […]
Excellent indicators of technology, social organization, exchange patterns, and even beliefs, beads are a topic of research in their own right. Findings made between 2010 and 2011 at the Montelirio tholos burial, part of the Valencina Copper Age mega-site, in south-western Spain, revealed what amounts to the largest single-burial ever-documented assemblage of beads. Furthermore, the […]
Articulo donde se presenta la edición epigráfica de cuatro nuevas inscripciones latinas gaditanas que incluyen referencias a magistraturas y sacerdocios locales: