
We use WordPress to manage the content of this website. The template used is HoneyBee.

About the cover image

ls: list what is in a directory: the program shows us the CONGRESS, INTERNATIONAL, DIGITAL ARTS and ODS files

./ run a program: Attempt to install the Sustainable Development Goals program and run a runtime error when running.

cd /home: we change directory to LO_DESENFOCADO

./ run a program: the binary THE_UNFOCUSED is executed and returns HELLO WORLD !.

By designing a computer program Hello Word! it is the typical test exercise that tells us that everything is correct according to the instructions given. It is also a way of greeting the world. It is our way of accelerating, by looking at what is out of focus, a new necessary time.

Thanks to Manuel Martínez and Ramón Gómez for the hours of help and programming courses they offer to the university community. Thank you for joining me in the thesis with your “computer” readings.

Juan A. Rodriguez

i congreso internacional sobre artes digitales: lo desenfocado → Sevilla, del 29 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2022
