REDUCED PRICE (until September 30)
- Researchers who present works: 20 euros for each work presented (whether it is a paper or a work of art), with a maximum of 6 works presented in total (3 in the category of papers and another 3 in the category of Works of art).
- Students without presentation of papers and listeners 5 euros (possibility of obtaining 2 credits of free configuration) and attendance diploma provided that they attend 80% of the hours of the conference.
NORMAL PRICE (from September 30)
- Researchers who present works: 40 euros for each work presented (whether it is a paper or a work of art), with a maximum of 6 works presented in total (3 in the category of communications and another 3 in the category of Works of art).
- Students who do not present communications and listeners 10 euros (possibility of obtaining 2 credits of free configuration) and attendance diploma provided that they attend 80% of the hours of the conference.