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Sesión extraordinaria del Seminario (20-10-2009): Paul Gochet

Fecha / Date: 20-10-2009.

Hora / Time: 12:00 h.

Lugar / Location: Seminario de Lógica de la Facultad de Filosofía - Universidad de Sevilla.

Ponente / Lecturer: Paul Gochet (Universidad de Lieja).

Título / Tittle: The B.D.I. architecture and the STIT logic. Steps toward a combination of the two formalisms.

Resumen / Abstract:
In the early nineties Rao and Georgeff spelled out a modelling of Rational Agents within a Belief-Desire-Intention architecture. Around the same time Belnap and Horty put foward a logic of capability (STIT logic) which did not use of the concept of intention. These two logics grew independently. Very recently however, it was shown by Broersen that STIT logic can contribute to the formal analysis of intention. Concurrently a combined system of BDI logic and STIT logic was worked out which is powerful and expressive enough to capture unnoticed differences between beliefs and desires (desires of an agent can conflict but its beliefs cannot). These technical developments due to Semmling and Wansing will be presented and their philosophical significance will be assessed.

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