The project

Currently, one of the main challenges in Spain is the growing number of adolescents who experience high levels of school stress, especially during secondary education. In addition, the high amount of time devoted to doing homework by students in Spain compared to other countries’ has been a subject of continuous debate. There is no doubt that school stress is a complex phenomenon. As a result, understanding school stress requires taking into consideration a wide variety of factors, including individual, family and school factors. Paying attention to gender differences both in the levels and time trends in school stress and their underlying factors is also fundamental.

Project EASE focuses on the aforementioned aspects. It is a research project aimed at giving voice to students themselves to get a better understanding of their school stress experiences and factors that may accentuate or aliviate their stress. Key findings and recommendations derived from this project will be made available to schools and families to contribute to the final goal of promoting wellbeing among secondary school students.