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Guest Editor of Special Issue “Thermal Comfort and Energy Performance in Building”


II Seminario Internacional Pobreza Energética y Bienestar Ambiental

Se encuentran abiertas las inscripciones al Workshop y II Seminario Internacional de Pobreza Energética y Bienestar Ambiental de la Red CYTED RIPEBA. Tendrá lugar los días 12 y 13 de diciembre de 2023 en la ETSIE. Actividad convalidable como AF4 en el Programa de Doctorado de Arquitectura. Se detalla el programa completo del Seminario en documento adjunto adjunto.  

  • Inscripción gratuita en modalidad presencial o modalidad online al Seminario [aquí]
  • Inscripción en modalidad presencial o modalidad online al Workshop [aquí]


ACCIM stands for Adaptive Comfort Control Implemented Model

In research terms, this is a proposal for a paradigm shift, from using fixed PMV-based to adaptive setpoint temperatures, based on adaptive thermal comfort algorithms and it has been widely studied and published on scientific research journals (for more information, refer to

In terms of code, this is a python package that transforms fixed setpoint temperature building energy models into adaptive setpoint temperature energy models by adding the Adaptive Comfort Control Implementation Script (ACCIS). This package has been developed to be used in EnergyPlus building energy performance simulations.

The figure below clearly explains the aim of adaptive setpoint temperatures: introducing hourly temperature values into the adaptive comfort zone. On the left column, you can see the simulation results of a naturally ventilated building, while on the right column, the same building in mixed-mode operation with adaptive setpoint temperatures.