MTM 2016-75024-P
Computational Methods in Algebra, D-modules, Representation Theory and Optimization

MTM 2016-75024-P: "Computational Methods in Algebra, D-modules, Representation Theory and Optimization" is a national spanish reasearch project (Plan Estatal 2013-2016 Excelencia - Proyectos I+D. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad - Dec 30, 2016 - Dec 29, 2020; extended to:June 29, 2021)

Research topics

D-módules and singularities.
Combinatorial representation theory and invariants.
Effective Methods for Lie, Leibniz and Malcev Algebras.
Effective Methods in (Non Linear) Integer Programming.


Project Heads

Francisco J. Castro Jiménez
Dpto. Álgebra, U. Sevilla
Mercedes H. Rosas Celis
Dpto. Álgebra, U. Sevilla


Emmanuel Briand
Dpto. Matemática Aplicada I, U. Sevilla
Manuel Ceballos González
U. Loyola Andalucia (Sevilla)
Mari Cruz Fernández Fernández
Dpto. Álgebra, U. Sevilla
Jesús Gago Vargas
Dpto. Álgebra, U. Sevilla
Isabel Hartillo Hermoso
Dpto. Álgebra, U. Sevilla
Juan Núñez Valdés
Dpto. Geometría y Topología, U. Sevilla
José María Ucha Enríquez
Dpto. Matemática Aplicada I, U. Sevilla

Postdoctoral Researchers

Helena Cobo Pablos
Dpto. Álgebra, U. Sevilla.

Collaborators in Foreign Institutions

Mohammed Barakat
Universität Siegen, Germany.
Laura Colmenarejo Hernando
University of Massachussets, Amherst, USA.
Michel Granger
Université d'Angers, France.
Herwig Hauser
Universität Wien, Austria.
Nobuki Takayama
Kobe University, Japan.
David Mond
University of Warwick, UK.
Mike Zabrocki
York University, Toronto, Canada

Recent Publications by the members of Project MTM2016-75024-P

Former projects